Indigo was baffled, not even registering Old Man Nobu's words at first. [color=8882be]"What?"[/color] He shook his head, feeling dazed. This was some kind of prank, wasn't it? It had to be. [color=8882be]"You're kidding,"[/color] Indigo insisted. Nobu shook his head. He pointed above them at a Drampa in the sky, and the shadowy figure of someone sitting on the pokemon. [color=8882be]"Dan!"[/color] Indigo waved his arms. [color=8882be]"HEY! DAN!"[/color] He cupped his hands around his mouth and tried to shout as loud as he could. "I'm sorry young man," Nobu said as gently as he could. Still speechless, Indigo opted to look at the letter instead of attempting to say anything. He unfolded the paper and sure enough, Dan's scrawl was on the page. [color=8882be][i]This... Really is a letter from him.[/i][/color] [i]Hey Indy and Margo, I know this seems really sudden. But I really needed to leave. It's not really anybody's fault, and it's not an emergency or anything. I just needed to go. For awhile now, I've felt really uncertain about my journey. It's not really something I can explain, it's just something I feel, you know? Maybe it was something in Pewter, or it could have been something before then, but it's just.[/i] There were some words after, but they had been scratched out and scribbled on. [i]Let me try this again. Damn, this is hard. I've never been real good with trying to explain this stuff. You guys would know, right? I guess one thing I'm trying to do is build up my pokemon again. My friendship with them, I mean. I think I need to stop focusing on my journey for me, and really go back to them. They're the ones that brought me this far, after all. I think going back home and having us all just spend time together without getting worried about battles or winning... Well, I just think it'll be good for us. Then, you know, there's my condition or illness or whatever you want to call it. I think I need a riding pokemon to help me get around, but like I said, I can't really get new team members when the ones I've got aren't happy, you know? So... that's another thing. But I want to do this right. I want to make up for everything I've done. There's an orphanage in Lavender Town, just a train ride away from Cerulean. It's a little long of a ride, but I think I'll start working there for a bit. Maybe a few times a week? Haven't thought out the details too much, but I want to help pokemon more. I think volunteering's gonna help me out a lot. I know it seems sudden, but like I said, this has all been on my mind for awhile now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys, it's just I know that I would have stayed if I did. But the point is, I couldn't stay. I just hope you guys can forgive me. Sincerely, Dan[/i] Although Dan hadn't actually had anything terrible happen to him, Indigo still felt a sting in his chest. [i]Damnit, I thought we said no more secrets last night.[/i] At the same time, he couldn't be too upset. Daniel was simply working on himself and that was to be admired, not scowled upon. The abruptness of it all, however, left an empty spot in Indigo. It was as if their potential adventures together had been whisked away from underneath him. [color=8882be]"I'm happy for him,"[/color] Indigo said finally, breaking the silence. [color=8882be]"He's going after what's best for him. And that's... Great."[/color] Nobu smiled. "It's not the end of anything, just so you know, it's really a new beginning for all of you."