[@ScreenAcne]You spawn a Slime! Gruel is pretty dejected. [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/acd26cd63292459c2d64dbed0fe2fda5.png[/img][/center] Gruel shuffles past Wibble and Mack and into the silver mists of the [b]Magic Gateway.[/b] Everything goes quiet for a moment... [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/e704da97ea6167053f05e0345e9e1d47.png[/img][/center] Gruel is now standing in a small chamber. The walls and floors are lined with dungeon stone. In front of Gruel is a small stone pool filled with liquid, and a pedestal rises out of it. Around the pool is some sort of green organic material. Above, vines bask in the limited glow of the Glyph. Gruel has found a [b]Glyph![/b] Gruel will need to approach the [b]Glyph[/b] if Gruel wishes to determine which Glyph it is or absorb it.