Roland blinked in mild surprise. They hadn't told him much information on his partner for this trek. He wasn't prepared to be traveling with a priestess of Luna, much less a woman. Not that he believed that women were any worse of than men in combat or dangerous situations. As long as someone pulled their weight and worked with him, he didn't care at all. But the somewhat inexperienced squire had little interactions with women over the years. He took her hand in his and shook it, giving a smile. "Well met. I'm Roland, of the Order of the Forged." he told her, trying not to sound too awkward. "No I just arrived. I trust you're ready to head out?" Once she confirmed it, he give her a nod and pull his cloak about him tighter so as it wouldn't slide off of his sword. The sheathe protected it readily enough, but he still wanted to prevent rust as much as possible. He saw she wasn't heavily armed like he was, but then again she probably didn't need to be. A staff was a smart choice, he realized. They'd do far more walking than fighting, if there truly was any danger out there other than the occasional wolf or bear. "Let's hope the weather isn't a bad omen on us," he half joked as they began their walk down the road that led into the Knollwood. This forest was fairly civilized, but pockets of bandits were known to make their homes deeper within the forest. "Have you traveled much out of the city?"