The initial pause, short though it may have been, with Akeno's eyes being leveled at the shorter girl, made Koumori feel a bit nervous. What if she said no? What if she didn't think her Quirk was strong enough? Her head was swirling with worry and self doubt. The muscular girl didn't even move until after she called for Azukina, when someone else called out Kudo's name. Koumori's heart sank, as she saw the blue boy, Hiroki, looking at her angrily. What did she do? Did he dislike her because she wasn't able to fly, and he apparently was? Did he think she was less than him? Did he want to take Akeno on his own team? Surely he did, because he had called out her name. She shuddered after that brief moment of eye contact, the boy vanishing in a rush of wind, leaving her and Kudo Akeno alone. [quote][color=f7941d]“Ah, Yakkaimori-san. Sure, I’d be happy to work with you; I wanted to ask you to team up anyway.”[/color][/quote] Koumori blushed shyly, looking more directly into Akeno's eyes with her own brown ones. "[color=18002c]Y-you... do you m-mean it, keekee?[/color]" asked the short girl timidly. In truth, something sounded off about Akeno's voice. Was she lying about that? Did she secretly not want to team up with her? Had she had her own plans for a team, but felt it would be too rude to admonish her for ruining them? The small girl seemed to fold up, shoulders hunching, ears drooping, everything about her body language made her look even smaller, and incidentally, more obviously insecure. [hider=tl;dr][@King Cosmos](Conversation) [@ShwiggityShwah](Seen) Team talk. Koumori spooked. Doubt.[/hider]