One of Sara’s legs, namely her right, was bent, and pulled up to her chest, while her right arm was being set upon it, accordingly. The many traits that relate between herself, Armin, and Levi, was apparent, in more scenarios than one could count. It became the reason why Commander Erwin immediately placed her as his Lieutenant - although there were [i]many more[/i] reasons than one could even imply. These pieces were able to embody her, in the way that she was today: Her peak physical prowess, awe well as her ability to think quickly, and take charge of a new plan. At the same time, she wondered what kind of bloodline that Kate herself would fall under, and where she herself could have received her “gifts”. [color=f7941d]"We're all a sum of our parts..."[/color] Looking over at the brunette, who managed to sit down beside her, Sara managed to catch the mumble under her breath, but chose to say nothing, out of respect - although she did make a small hum in agreement. The girl seemed to be frowning, and it caused the white-haired woman to, once again, to try and pinpoint on what she was currently feeling. There was disappointment dripping in her voice, and the lieutenant wondered [i]again[/i]: [i]‘Is there something deeper that she doesn’t wish to say?’[/i] Narrowing her blue eyes again, Sara scanned the very body of the young woman before her, albeit out of quiet sympathy; seeing the sparkle in young Katherine’s eyes that implied sadness and fear. There was something that was clearly troubling her deep-down, leading for the lieutenant to think whether if there was something that the other was trying to get off of her chest. Was she getting closer to the problem? Taking a momentary glance up towards the moon, that continued to shine down on them, Sara decided to cautiously yet gently provoke. There was a bit of awkwardness in the air between them during that second of silence, and it made Sara feel a bit unsettled, although she did take a deep quiet breath, before speaking once more. This time, there was care in her voice, having to be not as cold as usual. [color=00aeef]“May I ask what happened?”[/color]