Crazy haha, I had an idea exactly like this called "War Dogs" [sub](EDIT: Actually, I just looked up the site I had made for it a long time ago ((2012 to be exact lol)) and I had called it "Army Dogs" and "Militia Wolves", not "War Dogs"... although that's not a half bad name for the RP too!)[/sub]. I'd be interested, if you'd be willing to let me in on it. (Personally, I vote for Underworld-type werewolves, but that's just me xD .... [sub]I'd say Twilight werewolves, but 1. that's too typical of a girl to say, and 2. I only say Twi-wolves because they're just heckin large wolves, for crying out loud...and who doesn't like MASSIVE wolfies?![/sub]) EDIT pt.2: I see this kind of became dead. I am going to look into making my own RP, if any previously interested parties would like to join.