[center][hr][hr][h2][color=0076a3]Hiroyuki Duma[/color][/h2][hr][hr][/center]Yumiko and Ryuu's discussion was stopped for the sake of their safety and protection. They could have this discourse at a later date - but as Yumiko did say, actions speak louder than words. She was too stubborn to step down from her belief so the discussion would just go in circles anyway. At least their injuries were healed and it was only Hikaru that was injured among them that was grave. He began to trail behind the others as they began walking down the path with the goal of getting to the next town over. Hiroyuki was unsure how long it had been since they'd been walking. Maybe around two hours? Well, in any case, Ryuu suggested that they get healing out of the way and then proceed through the fields so that they wouldn't encounter any convoys of Fire Nation soldiers and run the risk of being recognized again. He mutely nodded at them. Yumiko was the only one capable of healing anyhow so they were reliant on her for this section. He kept a lookout for anyone who might be passing by - surveying the area silently as the group went to do their own thing.