Felix, being the good friend and companion he was, walled straight over to Toscax and bashed him round the back of the head with the butt of his pistol. Okay, maybe it was a bit harder than it should have been but the asshat Leo had him pissed off. With his other pistol he shot a Cura and a weak Thunder at the old pirate to wake him up. [i]"Ya really shouldn't listen to him boss man. The guy's a prick."[/i] Felix said, walking around to see if anyone else needed healing. Seemed to be a few scratches here and there, nothing major. Those people were on the recieving end of his Cure bullets. [i]"Shishishi... right folks, the boss is currently incapacitated for reasons of a personal nature, so it falls to me to gather you idiots up. For the new people, we are now on a mission to save the multiverse from a complete and utter prick with a god complex. Personally I blame him feeling inferior in the bedroom department. If you will follow me to our awesome interdimensional ship, our esteemed leader will be able to fill you in better once he's recovered from meeting his ex."[/i] Chortling, Felix walked towards the hanger to get the Gummi Ship ready to fly. He would strangle the dumbass who came up with that idiotic name for such a useful machine. He slso stopped to turn Toscax's coat lime green with pink polka dots. His fault for leaving it unattended.