[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmE1OTc0MC5WbUZyYXcsLC4wAAAAAAAA/blowup-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [h2]Eurysthenes[/h2][/center] [hr] There was something strange, a drifting consciousness floating through the air where time seemed to slow to an immense crawl. The consciousness, looked around, seeing three being standing over a body, one marred in the blood of a gruesome murder that could have been avoided. It stared for a few timeless moments, wondering what to do before it decided that it did not want to visit the Sky of Pyres quite yet. Such was not the fate of a god, at least, not a true god. When it anchored with the bloodied one, it’s memories came back in a sudden flow of before it realized what had truly happened. Vakk had been murdered, perhaps a fate it may have deserved for charging in with no plan and no contingency. However, it refused to die in such a way not without fighting for longer than any would properly realize as even in death, Vakk lived. It hid within Eurysthenes’ presence, knowing that it would likely be none the lesser until it was alone. By the time, Eurysthenes had made it back to the Infinite Maze, Vakk has made itself comfortable within the form and had begun to speak whispers into the back of Eurysthenes’ mind. The Lord of Speech allowed time to pass, knowing that it could do what it wanted with what the puzzling gods mind. [color=9d8168]”We exist together now… two corpses, in one grave.”[/color] Vakk’s words cast a long silence as the its presence was announced within Eurysthenes, but its words were far different than what Eurysthenes had known. These words were spoken by a cacophony of voices, no booming voice that Eurysthenes would find familiar but the weight of those words were all the same. It seemed there was no getting rid of him. Eurysthenes wondered how it didn't see this before, back when they were celebrating victory. There was a space in the spirit where another lurked and festered, like a disease waiting for the time to spring. This would take some getting used to. [Color=8A0886]”Vakk… to be like, which is to be done. Who are you to decide that you are not?”[/color] [color=9d8168]”I am a god immortal, dying would not be befitting in my nature nor would it be yours,”[/color] [b]That One[/b] stated, giving an evil chuckle as it moved around Eurysthenes’ form. Vakk was clearly not used to such a small space as the body of Eurysthenes, finding it most uncomfortable to be in. However, it eventually settled in with another laugh next the other godly soul. [color=9d8168]”Your body is my own now,”[/color] the voices chimed with a sadistic pleasure. [I]This One[/i] pushed against Vakk, smearing it into an uncomfortable position again. [Color=8A0886]”One which inhabits something does not own it. What lies maliciously in a body, bringing grief and pain to that which it inhabits?”[/color] [b]That One[/b] shifted once more, pushing back the oppressive soul of the other before speaking, [color=9d8168]”There is no need for insults, Eurysthenes. I am no less a parasite than you are, gaining pleasure at the expense of myself.”[/color] Vakk’s voices did not give Eurysthenes the pleasure of being dissatisfied, instead continuing to speak with the sadism that only Vakk could carry. [Color=8A0886]”It is not parasitic to seek to right wrongs, Vakk,”[/color] it said, [color=8a0886]”Were I you, I wouldn't be speaking with such cockiness.”[/color] It said simply. Riddles weren't as entertaining if the other could see the answer in the riddler’s mind. [i]This One[/i] raised an arm, and touched the wall. [color=8a0886]”Tell me, Vakk. Can you feel this? Can you see as I see?”[/color] Vakk took a moment before the many voices spoke once more, [color=9d8168]”Yes. However, it is strange. I am still not used to inhabiting your form.”[/color] The soul of [b]That One[/b] began to stir once more finding refuge away from Eurysthenes’ soul in order to find some figment of comfort. [color=9d8168]”Now, you tell me. Were my crimes truly worth death?”[/color] [i]This One[/i] considered the question for a second, which was more than it thought Vakk deserved. [Color=8a0886]”Yes.”[/color] it said. There was a certain sternness to its voice which said more than the word alone could. [color=9d8168]”That means you would be deserving of death as well. Breaking me in this maze, just as I had broken Li’Kalla,”[/color] Vakk said, its voices chiming with a chilling tone as the words flowed with the same power of Eurysthenes own words. [b]That One[/b] finally settled into a spot on the opposite end of the form, briefly thinking to itself in a light silence between the two. It had brought back up the time of the Maze, the time when Eurysthenes tortured Vakk as it had attempted to reach the Sky of Pyres. As Vakk shrank back, Eurysthenes advanced, pushing [b]That One[/b] even further into the recesses. If the soul within a body could smile spitefully, this is what [i]This One[/i]’s soul was doing. [color=8a0886]”Yes,”[/color], [i]This One[/i] admitted, [color=8a0886]”but you were the one that died. Why is that? Because there were more of us who were in agreement with me. And what does that tell you of deserving? What does it say about how others perceive right and wrong, Vakk?”[/color] The tone in its voice was what you could call petty and smug. It had won, it was in the superior position, and it knew it. [color=9d8168]”It tells me that you are no better than I. But you have committed the far more heinous act of murder,”[/color] Vakk retorted, not allowing itself to be fully pushed without resistance to the words of its host. The soul pushed back, asking, [color=9d8168]”What gives you the right to live more than I?”[/color] [Color=8a0886]”You only condemn it because you were the one affected by it. Nothing gives me the right to live more than you,”[/color] Eurysthenes says simply. [Color=8a0886]”however, the will of others gives me the means to.”[/color] it concludes. [color=9d8168]”If that is your prerogative, murderer,”[/color] [b]That One[/b] responded before the soul stopped pushing against Eurysthenes’. There was a long silence between them as the two figured out what to do next, neither coming across a suitable topic to insult each other on. Many long drawn out sighes happened at once before Vakk chose to speak again, this time commanding, [color=9d8168]”Build me a new body so that this may not plague either any longer.”[/color] Eurysthenes shrugged. [Color=8a0886]”I won't do that. You're too cruel, and you will hurt innocent people. No,”[/color] it said [color=9d8168]”Innocent? So you defend thieves now, hm? How odd that you and the other gods would defend so heinous crimes,”[/color] Vakk commented, its many voices filling with a disdain for Eurysthenes denial of his request. [I]This One[/i] hid a snort with the back of its hand. [Color=8a0886]”Woe betide you, Vakk. Truly you are the epitome of suffering.”[/color] [color=9d8168]”Well… I did get killed. I suppose it is justified.”[/color] [i]This One[/i] didn't deign to reply. [hider=Summary] The post starts from Vakk’s point of view as a soul, looking over his own body before attaching to Eurysthenes. After which, revealing its before the two are alone. Eury, very much does not like this, both of them do not like it, except Vakk does like it more because Eury doesn’t. However, Eury does call [b]That One[/b] one a parasite since Vakk continues to cause pain, only to be called a parasite itself for getting pleasure of humiliating Vakk in the maze. Eury defends itself, before asking Vakk if it could feel. Turns out Vakk can, though it is still getting used to the body. Vakk asks if its crimes were actually worth death, Eury says yes. By that logic, Vakk says Eury also deserves to die. Despite that, Eurysthenes claims the moral high ground of having more people of its side. Though Vakk still points out that they had committed murder. Vakk eventually orders Eury to build a new body for it, Eury says no because Vakk is a bad guy. The two share a bitter silence shortly after that. [/hider] [hr] [hider= Spiritual] Alright so Eury was in his sphere and he was going “why can I hear Vakk's voices, yo?” it was mad weirded out Vakk was not a good guy and it'd rather not have him inside it thank you very much Phrasing Then Vakk was all Gotcha bitch, I lived And Eury went “o fuk, go away” Vakk: no u >:[ Eury staggered at the might of his comeback, gasping for air “N-nani?!” Vakk: mwhahaha I hitched a ride and you cants get rid of me Eury: nuh uh betch, you can't escape *me* It locks the doors like a predator Vakk: “Oh fug” Eury: “yeah you're right.. this is the pits” “you suck” Vakk; “hey. Make me a body and I’ll leave like a good boi.” Eury: “No way, daddyo. You're a bad Boi” Vakk: “Nu u. U made me hurt myself” Eury: “nuh uh. That didn't happen.” Vakk: “You also killed me, thus you owe me a body. Feg” Eury: “yeah but But Uh You weren't supposed to still be alive!” Vakk: “Well too bad, I am Now, make me body plox” Eury: “be cool first” *sunglasses put on” Vakk: “but but…. MAYBE NEXT POST BAKA” Eury: “Alright, no body ever then” Vakk: “that’s not fair! I’m the antagonistic god!” Eury: “not after I'm done with you” Vakk:”... at least ask me out to dinner first” Eury: “pants down, present yourself, wait, and I'll get the rope” [/hider]