[@Expolar] I myself would prefer point buy, but if you folks prefer rolling, that's fine too. Lack of knowledge won't be a problem. Your character can be someone who is new to Westeros, who arrives there for one reason or another (maybe to look for fame and fortune, escape from trouble or whatever) Basic information can be found from this link. [url]https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page[/url] I have also a thread where I've been building this setting myself (I'd be running this game partly to get rid of writer's block). Do you have an account at AlternateHistory.com? But even if you don't, I can tell you this setting won't follow the story to the letter, at least if we go by "years have passed". Details I'll reveal later. And if we go by the "start of it all", you'd have basically ended up in Planetos by accident, so not knowing the setting shouldn't be too much of a disadvantage.