[h3]Isa[/h3] Isa sat in her seat, tapping her foot on the ground and watching idly as the other runes entered. [color=6ecff6]"Miss Memoli. Mr Roux. Berkano. Tiwaz. Algiz. Sowilo." [/color] She gave a short nod to each as they entered the room. Evidently, Isa had been doing her research on the files. Enough that she could pick up on each individual's rune without concentrating too hard. Most of her attention was given over to marking down data from her recent experiment into a notebook sat in her hands. Isa wasn't especially pre-occupied with making small talk at the best of times. It was all a means to an end, really. The quicker the new arrivals could get used to how things worked the quicker they could become a functional force. And the quicker the power of Heimdall's Aett could boost her own abilities, which she'd be lying if she said she wasn't keen to try. But first they had to try and get these people up to standard.