Kaze was sitting atop a small crate, weapon in hand. Sparks flashed along the blade while a soft rasping sound emanated from the steel. He was running a whetstone along the simple, but large, blade while the ship docked. Most of the grew and other hunters had stood, but the large man did not enjoy being on ships. Whether it was sand, water, or air. Sturdy flooring but strange movements weren't his cup of tea, but he hid his discomfort well as the ship pulled into the dockyard...port...whatever people called an airship landing area! Standing up he sheathed his sword, stuffed the stone into his hip-pouch, and followed along behind the others as they got off. They were met with an excitable elderly Wyverian. The guild master wasn't out currently so the short man in bulky clothing trotted off to find him for them. Such a strange fellow. [color=red][i]It feels like the older they get the more energy they have...[/i][/color] He thought to himself. The other hunters, another man and three women, started to talk. [color=red]"Slay them quickly and efficiently. Do not prolong pain and suffering if we're to actually kill them."[/color] Kaze rumbled out, his voice deep and rumbling like distant thunder. Flipping the faceplate of his helm up revealed off-white colored facial hair, dull gray eyes, and sun-darkened skin. His own baggage was non-existent. He came as he was, armor, weapon, a few basic items in his hip-pouch, and the clothing on his back. [color=red]"Lets hope this new place has some interesting creatures...[/color]" He stated, stroking his beard once before starting to move into the city. They weren't told to stay at the port and Hunters tended to find their own way as they went.