[hr] [sup][i]Business District - Close to River Seine.[/i][/sup] [center][h1]Yazhu Hua[/h1][/center] [sub][center]Mentions: Tristan ([@KoL])[/center][/sub] [hr] A mere ten minutes later after they've met, Cerzelium and Yazhu had parted ways at the park. They had spoken for a bit, exchanging some pleasantries and tidbits about themselves, eventually reaching an agreement between each other. However, a point in the conversation left a bit of a sour taste in her mouth and made her regret something she had said before. After all, even if it was true, was it correct to introduce herself as a member "of the Hua Family"? They had backstabbed the family that had housed them for so many years, and the one they were bound to. Was she happy being part of that group of people? Once again carried by her Archer, Yazhu signalled him to move onwards to the Latin District, as to avoid a second encounter with Cerzelium. She had her qualms about crossing the river: from what little she knew the Foreign District could be filled with magus of the Jin family trying to find and kill her in order to gain control of the shard of the Round Table she had in her posession. Moreover, they'd be aware of this Holy Grail War and she believed them to be vindictive enough to execute her on the spot in an act of retiliation towards her family. The situation was dire for her, and meeting the old man, albeit it was a breath of fresh air in comparison to what she had come to expect, didn't ease her worries in the slightest. In a manner of speaking, she hoped that this path would lead her to the sort of treacherous magus that she believed were participating in this war. At the very least, that'd help her take in the cruelty of the situation she was living. [hr] [i]Currently moving from the Business District to the Latin District[/i]