[h1][color=409e91]Greetings[/color][/h1] [color=409e91][i]I really don't have a good idea of what to with this introduction, but I certainly could use the ability to customize my bio further. Two birds, one stone, all that jazz.[/i][/color] [color=843c3c][i]That aside, you can call me:[/i][/color] [color=409e91][i]Perry, PerryInc, PerryIncorporated, Percival, Percy, Perry Van Der Inc, or St. Pestilence[/i][/color][color=843c3c].[/color] [color=843c3c][i]I am a(n)[/i][/color] [color=yellow][i][b][/b][/i][/color] [color=843c3c][i]Opposum who enjoys the RP thing a fairly large amount. Be that what I call freeform RP, or what seems to be considered play-by-post here, table top, or... Well actually no that seems to be the extent of my RP.[/i][/color] [color=3f2da3][i]Be that as it may, I've got roundabout a decade's worth of experience in play-by-post, and maybe a year or two in tabletop. Within RPs, I don't subscribe to much preference within genre, so long as the RP meets certain design and execution criteria that make or break one for me.[/i][/color] [color=409e91][i]As a side note, I seem to be among a very small percentile who pronounce "RP" as Roleplay (Or Role Play for you deviants out there). Thus making the phrase "An RP" an exercise in reminding myself I'm odd. ewe Shoutouts to anyone who doesn't say "are pea".[/i][/color] [color=843c3c][i]Oh and before I finish up the hello, one last thing: [b]Ignore the fancy speech.[/b] I'm way too formal for my own good.[/i][/color] So you know... Hello!