Voltaire had to simply trust his senior's experience and followed her lead [color=8493ca][b]"G-got it."[/b][/color] His voice was a little shaky from his nervousness. The muscles in his hand were beginning to cramp from gripping the dagger too tightly, and it felt harder to breath as they stepped into the chamber. Voltaire gently shook his head trying to shake off the nerves and changed into a more determined expression. It didn't matter what he told himself in the end, this was for all for his own selfish desires. The fact nothing changed as they moved further and further into the room only put him more on edge [color=8493ca][b]"I bet as soon as we open that chest."[/b][/color] He tried to sound more assured than he actually was. The tension was working down on his nerves. A part of him just wanted to get things started already and skip all this build-up. It gnawed at him like a ravenous animal until finally he snapped under the pressure [color=8493ca][b]"ARRHHHHHHHH!"[/b][/color] He yelled out as he darted way from Koph and recklessly charged towards the chest like he had been possessed. Without hesitation, his hands gripped the opening of the chest and flipped it open with a bright smile. Both the ground and walls began to rumble the moment he did so. Kobold after kobold began spawning, filling the room around them with a wave of bodies. Amidst these monsters, a larger kobold spawned as well with darker colored fur and gold-colored claws. It snarled angrily with razor-sharp teeth as it stared the two of them down and let out a ear-piercing howl. The normal-looking kobolds seemed to respond to this and began running towards them.