This is an RP between me and a friend who just got into RP'ing. This post is mostly just are notes we made when we was face to face. The RP takes place in S.C. Strong Arm. The first layer is the Warden's Quarters. The second layer is the kitchen and supplies. The thrid layer guard's quaters. The four though ninth is the prisoner cells. The prisoner cells is organized by E, the bottom layer and home of the worst of the worst, to A, the upper most layer and home to the best of the worst. And each layer has four quadrants one through four. Our characters is on Layer C-3. (My friend's character) Dave "Beast" Bowen, a cyborg from Earth who is an Ex- police officer. He became a cyborg when he got muggled in a train-wreck. He was arrested when he shot at a criminal when he missed and hit a ciliven killing him. He is arrogent and short-tempered. He likes sports, other peoples pain, MFA and girls. He hates the prison and stupid questions. He oftens get into fights. He often harasses the female guards, espically the Guard Captain of C-3, Nevaeh. (My Character)Dutch Terren, a wolf splicer who has been an outlaw all of his life. He had commited petty crimes when was young, and grew into more advanced crimes as he aged. The crime that him caught and sent to the Strong-Arm was when he tried to smuggle weapons to the enemy (of war) of the humans. He is also arrogent and quite devious, though can be lazy or commited to something on a whim. He likes money and food, and hates pain and snot-nosed rich people. Nevaeh, captain of the guard on Layer C-3. She is very serious and almost always remains calm. She is a full-human, but an empath who has light telekinesis and the ability to shot balls of physic energy. She has a night-stick able to shot bolts of energy, as well as a piston and sniper rifle. She takes her orders very seriously but will against them to do what right. Mark Anthony, the co-warden. He is a rock golem, with a pendant that gives him a human form. He is quite and will follow orders no matter what. He basically just acts like wardens bodyguard and acts to keep in check. Sgt. MacGroover, the warden and ex serguent. He is a full-on psychic with telepathy, strong telekinesis and ability to create psychic projection. He is racist against sub-humans, such as mutents, splicers, cyborgs, etc. He was born to a rich family and basically owns the co-warden. The War itself is against the Humans and the Aersum, a race of creatures with metallic skin (normally silver, iron or gold) with eyes of a pure color. Both sides claim the planet Xy and are fighting over its rich resources.