Koph raced after her partner, looking at all the walls with a panicked expression. As he threw the chest open, her fears came true; she spun around to face the rumbling, and felt her blood chill as monster after monster emerged. And finally... their Boss. There was no other name she could give him. There was no such thing as a floor boss on the second floor, but... That was no ordinary Kobold. With the little time she had, Koph glanced back over her shoulder and into the chest. [color=00ff7f]"Is that... a claw?"[/color] she asked aloud. Whatever it was, it didn't look particularly useful to her. It wasn't any weapon she had seen; maybe it was armor, but that would only protect one of them. The Boss howled. His minions charged. They were out of time. [color=00ff7f]"Yours! Behind the chest!"[/color] The wooden box was about waist-high when the lid was closed. Koph jumped around behind it and slammed the lid shut as soon as Voltaire had retrieved the item within. Then she braced one foot against it. [color=00ff7f]"We need to get out. Twelve, fourteen...no, more. Here; we'll break the center, then move right. Push!"[/color]