[@SilverPaw]Thank you for the question! You're right, I forgot the gegherun's racial skills completely. That might be in part because I'm making sketches of the races for people to refer to. Same with the occ, I [s]listed 30' long but that doesn't mean much without knowing what they look like, I suppose[/s] actually mixed up the two reptiles' lengths. I'll be posting the sketches today and add that info. As for your question: generally-speaking, no, mirabilia or atermagia must be one of a character's skills before they can whip out a spell. I'll try to make that clearer in the text. Although, you're free to invent a character who has those spells as native skills, instead, if you like. You could invent your own kind of magic (with its own history even). Within reason (meaning as long as nothing's deliberately destructive on a personal level or a blatant power grab), I envision this OOC filling up over time with the creations and RPed histories / events of everyone involved. Everything here is just a starting place--a base for players to work off of if they like. Maybe rules will tighten up after we start (for instance, anything new that's history-altering might be a bit jarring later in the RP), but for now I'm welcoming players to make the game something they can enjoy. I also haven't yet decided on the total number of skills per character...so it starts at 2 but new ones purchased with experience are currently unlimited (it very well may stay that way). Which restrictions are you wary of? It may be I didn't explain the rules properly. Anyway, thanks again and hope to see you stick around.