[hr] [centre] [img]https://i.ibb.co/QdbXSfH/image.png[/img] [/centre] [centre][h2]Hector[/h2][/centre] [centre][h3]The Duel Under the Tower Continues![/h3][/centre] [centre][@Froppy][/centre] [hr] [b][i]Wait.. hang on a moment what is he doing now?[/i][/b] Hector took a few steps as a response to this odd occurrence. It seemedthat he had misjudged this one. [b][i]If you are gonna draw your sword use your sword... Looks like the people 'round here have their own style of fighting.[/i][/b] He wouldn't make this miscalculation again though. And really it was not something that put him at a disadvantage or anything like that, he was just thinking of a more traditional duel. In truth Hector was not a fan of duels anyway... [b][i]"Hah! No apologies needed son. This old man isn't going to be going away anytime soon!"[/i][/b] Hector spoke as he lifted Durandina, the handle now above his head so that the blade may cover his body. He was wholly confident that his sword could handle anything that was thrown it's way. Whether it be the thrown weapon or the projectile that it was masking. Of course even there was more to come after that Hector's choice of action would not have changed. Of course with the outcome of his defensive manoeuvre settled before it happened in his own mind. He kept his eye on his opponent rather than what they had thrown his way. That was the amount of trust that Hector had in his sword. After all if it wasn't something along the lines of [i]that shield[/i] then he should be able to hold out just fine. It seemed that his opponent was preparing a charge... Well he would decide whether to evade or meet them on that when the time comes...