T-T-C-S - Snot-Kla, Officer Glarz - Subject: Research on nearby planets Glarz walked around his small office watching all of his employee's work quickly to find out information of nearby planet's "Sir I detect a few nearby planetary solar system's...", Glarz rushed quickly over towards the snotling's desk to inspect the planet's "As you see sir, The planetary systems are these two",The snotling worker highlights the location's close to the TTCS as Glarz nods in approval "How dangerous are these planets...Do we know snotling?" The snotling nodded in disappointment "Unfortunately not...We will walk in blind if we attack!" Glarz snickered to himself "Tell Gutzsmash to come to my office...I have a discussion to do with him" The Snotling rushed off quickly to find the only intelligent orc on the planet, Glarz walked and sat in his office waiting for thirty minutes as he arrives "Uh...You wanted to see me boss?" Gutzsmash scratched his head as Glarz nodded "Indeed Gutz...As we know there is nearby planets and we need to bring together our armies to be able to destroy these planets" Gutz nodded as he remembered "Like those annoying Damocleus guys?", Glarz nodded "That's the spirit Gutz! Now get together your armies, We travel in a few day's time...!" Gutzsmash nodded rushing out quickly to prepare the armies as Glarz looked down at his blade "I'll be killing some people soon!" As soon as Glarz said that a Snotling ran into the room his personal assistant Perz "G-Glarz! We got news down near Dranar!" [i]Later on in the day[/i] Glarz landed in his cruiser onto the planet of Dranar where the Foreman greeted him "We have found some sort of mysterious relic, Telling us about a Galactic Core...We could make amazing ship's!" Glarz chuckled to himself "Find Gutz...Tell him we have a change of plan's...After a little research before I came here there is a system inhabited by small creatures called Kerbal's...We take that system to get us closer to the center!"