[center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a3b148938837c8380c1eb6e43f0d31fc/tumblr_pcvta2YxeN1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] The Docks [/center] Mistress Vertti sighed and averted her eyes. [color=lavender]"I had an idea you wouldn't let that go, given the circumstances."[/color] she looked back at Grisaia. [color=lavender]"I wanted to put this off until we were done fishing, but I suppose it can't be helped. I'll tell you everything."[/color] She folded her hands in her lap. [color=lavender]"As you know, tensions between the races are high. There are few people from either side that really want to open up a dialog. The war ended, but people's feelings haven't changed. The demi-human bandits are proof of that."[/color] She reclined until one of her elbows were resting on the hull. [color=lavender]"I learned a few months back that Belrigger was an ally to the bandits."[/color] Mistress Vertti blushed. Her eyes drifted to the open sea. [color=lavender]"I disguised myself as an aristocrat to get closer to him. If I could understand why they were so accepting of him, maybe I could get a better idea of how to unite everyone."[/color] She looked back to Grisaia [color=lavender]"He was a dangerous man, but I had the situation under control."[/color] She closed her eyes. [color=lavender]"And of course people are trying to hurt me. I'm the last human in possession of a royal seal, and I'm sure to win the upcoming election if it isn't wrestled from my hands. You must be extra cautious of demi-humans, that includes Mie."[/color] She groaned before opening her eyes again. [color=lavender]"But you have no reason to worry. I've hired Aer, and since given you a device to keep track of my location. That should be enough to ensure my safety and your comfort. But I refuse to stop living. If I can't leave my home now, I won't be able to serve my term after the election. Hate will have already won."[/color] She picked up a fishing line and looked out at the water. Mistress Vertti's lower lip was quivering. [color=lavender]"Let's catch some fish. If we can catch enough early we can also see the magic show. It's happening right at the docks."[/color] She forced a smile.