heyyy. i'm in the mood for some cute boys falling in love, but i'm also in the mood for beauty and the beast, so uhh. can i please get some of that good content? i've got a preference for the beauty role, but frankly, i just want a tropey, sappy romance. give me your self-sacrificing beauty and your enchanted prince, whether he was a jerk, or just a victim of circumstance and a bad fairy. my only big caveat is that i do want the beastly form to be just that, a form - while i understand the idea of it being some strange facial markings (as in beastly and the 2012 cw series), i really don't have any interest in that. big fuzzy beasts and small beauties they could break in half if they wanted are much more my speed. i'm 26, on the east coast of the us, and i usually have plenty of free time during the week. i'll try to match anything you send me, but i get a lot slower if our replies are super long! i'm hella patient, and i'm ditch (and reappearance!) friendly, i know sometimes things don't work out like you want, or people get busy, and just maybe we don't gel well, but you don't wanna talk about it! i'm chill, you're fine. i'm good writing over email, gdoc, or pm, and i'm fine using hangouts or discord for chatting~ you can hit me up at romeo.taisho@gmail.com or romeo#8096, hope to hear from you <3