Ah, the Citadel. A wondrous marvel of engineering created by a civilization long past, or so everyone figured anyways. It was the center for the Governing bodies of the different species known as the "Citadel Races". Humans, Turian, Asari, and Salarian were the main ones holding positions within the Council, but many other races lived on, or at the very least visited the Citadel. It was the hub for anything you could imagine from trade, to industry, to sports and entertainment. But then of course, the Reapers came. For whatever reason, they didn't invade the Citadel. The first Reaper to show up, Harbinger, had made a direct attack on the Citadel sure and failed, but since then, even when planets all over the Galaxy were falling to the Reaper invasion, the Citadel was untouched. Not a Reaper in sight. This made it the obvious choice as a bastion for all the refugees that managed to escape the war, and it was getting packed. But on the inside, on the streets of the cities of its massive arms, everything seemed peaceful. Some murmurs here and there about the war, people being worried, but it was like a place away from the war itself. Peaceful was a good word for it. Near a docking station, a large barracks of sorts had been prepared for a new crew that was going to be heading out to gather support for the war effort. An Alliance crew that would be getting the other species of the Galaxy to send aid to Earth, for a direct attack against the Reapers. If they could take back Earth, they felt sure that they could win the war. And apparently, the Alliance was working on something special, an ancient weapon that could potentially be the secret to destroying the Reapers once and for all. But none of that mattered to the people who were actually CHOSEN for this crew... with the mistakes that had been made. The positions that had been filled by people that, well, 'unqualified' seemed like an understatement for most of them. One of them, probably more out of her league than anyone else, was Linalla T'sado. A week ago she was a doctor working overtime in the hospital to treat the refugees that were coming in from all over. Today? Today she was a Military Officer given the title of Commander for Goddess knows what reason, and Captain of her very own ship. And just out the window, she could see it sitting in the Station, ready and waiting for its crew. It was a beautiful ship. It was a Frigate, built in the same shape as the SSV Normandy, the famous ship of Commander Shepard himself. You didn't need to be Military, or even Human for that matter to know who Shepard was. But this ship... this wasn't the Normandy. No this ship looked like the Normandy, but it lacked all the special bells and whistles. It wasn't experimental... it was just a Frigate. The SSV Minotaur. At least it sure had a pretty name... EXCEPT THAT IT'S AN ALLIANCE SHIP, AND SHE'S AN ASARI, AND A DOCTOR NOT A MILITARY COMMANDER, AND WHAT THE F- [i]As stated before this is downtime for the RP. Just posting as you wish, doing whatever until the whole gang is set up and ready to go. Literally ICly waiting for the other characters to show up, while we OOCly wait for the other characters to show up.[/i]