EDIT: You know what, half an hour later and I realise what kind of a flaming dumpster fire I just wrote. I'm going to leave it up, in a hider, but I recognize my mean-as-shit attitude isn't exactly in the spirit of the thread, so take everything in here with a grain of salt. Or flame me back in a PM. I'll take y'on ya fuckin' cunt. [hider=Dumpster fire]Real hot take; Ghosting is barely a problem. Most any RP with someone who vanishes can live without them and easily write the character out, and even when half the cast fades because of it, the ones that actually remain are the crowd you wanted to gather in the first place as they're in it for the long haul. At that point it's the GM's responsibility to not only keep it fresh, but also not axe their RP as soon as they're demoralized from seeing three people out of eight leave without notice. You don't have to be nice to ghosters, you have to be nice to players. Even in 1x1, a ghoster will barely get past planning phase with you, and actually starting up an RP and getting it going past 5 posts is what's important. Then it's, again, your responsibility for not being an ass to your partner- and if your partner's an ass to you, you should just bow out and not waste your time with them. Naw, what grinds my gears is people with absolutely no self awareness. Y'know the lot. The ones we like to complain about a lot. Those with terribly written self-inserts, inconsistent characterisation, using the same faceclaim for every single RP they join and not changing a damn thing about their character... that lot. The ones that think the entire world revolves around their ego, which is approximately the size of a galactic supernova- and don't you dare call them out on any of it, polite or otherwise, as they're quick to get snappy with you. It's even worse when they're [i]not[/i] ghosters- 'cause then they just stick around to suck the fun out of everyone else's RP. Also, I get it. Not everyone's here to be a good writer, work on themselves and otherwise. It's not exactly reasonable of me to expect every single person to hold themselves to a higher standard every single day. I get that some people just want to have fun without a care in the world. [color=ed1c24][u][i][b]But I'm also not a reasonable person.[/b][/i][/u][/color] It sure as shit takes away from my fun when you actively decide to work against whatever the hell the group's trying to do and basically sabotage everyone with ignorance- I don't care that you're bad, just work with us and communicate. Oh, and fuck anyone who can't be flexible on stuff either. Ironic coming from me with the rant I just did, but if you can't compromise with another person on your creative ideas or their schedule then, buddy, this hobby isn't for you. Especially not when you try hosting one of your own. This is a co-operative effort, not a one-man show. Go write a book if you want to be so damn controlling.[/hider] [sub][sub]...am I the bad guy?[/sub][/sub]