[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DLGhcA0.png[/img] [sub]The Learner[/sub] & Hermes + Xiaoli [/center] [hr] The Warden’s fiery eyes narrowed and Diana’s crooked smile widened. The two stared at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time, the Warden atop his mare, and Diana under her umbrella. Finally the Warden rumbled, “I don’t like this.” “I’m afraid there is nothing you can do about it, good sir,” Diana winked. “For now,” The Warden pulled his reigns, “Should you make the slightest mistake, I will kill you.” “Oh my,” Diana turned away bashfully, “Don’t be such a flirt.” The Warden let out an angry grunt. [hr] Hermes leaned her iron club against the guest house and picked up a heavy stick. The even heliopolis was just over the treeline, giving the sky a pink hue. Plenty of light still spilled into the courtyard, but it was clear the day was soon to be over, the chores having taken longer than expected. With a swift hand, Hermes tossed the stick to Arya, “Okay, are you ready?” [color=ivory]”Of course.”[/color] the Arya said cooly, with determination bustling in her eyes as she gripped the stick. Hermes hefted her club over her shoulder and turned from Arya so they were both facing the same direction, shoulders aligned and two meters apart. “Okay,” Hermes said with a trace of giddiness, “Do you remember the starting stance from my notes?” [color=ivory]”Yes!”[/color] she said enthusiastically, and followed suit. She took a deep breath, relaxing herself, then exhaled. She looked to Hermes expectantly. The Dreamer held her club, hand wide apart and slightly tilted up and back. Arya side glanced Hermes, and replicated her stance. There was a slight pain in her side, but Arya ignored it. Very slowly and deliberately Hermes took a step forward, her hands coming close together and the club coming down in a slow-tight arc. She made another step, similar to one of the dances that Arya had learned, the club dropping defensively while simultaneously winding up for another attacking arc. “Breath in when pulling back,” Hermes instructed, “Breath out as you attack,” The club was sent in another arc, following by a second one. Little by little the ‘dancing’ style of fighting unfolded before Arya, until they had pushed almost to the end of the courtyard, the style being forward aggressive while somehow still being very defensive. When they reached the end, they turned and began to do the same movements, but this time towards the north house. As they practiced, Arya stumbled at first, her footing unsure of itself but as time went on, she began to see the rhythm of the dance. How it ebbed and flowed with grace, taking leaps of aggression but falling back with defensive postures. Coupled with the training she received from Split, and the dancing lessons from K’nell, Arya was quickly getting it down. A smile on her face all the same, though her side was beginning to hurt her. She didn’t seem to care that much. [color=ivory]”Hermes?”[/color] Arya asked. “Hm?” Hermes swung her club wide, it looping around and gently swinging over to rest on her shoulder. She turned to the girl, “Yeah?” Arya twirled the stick around her head, letting it hit the courtyard tile with a thud (causing Hermes to flinch), before she leaned on it and looked to Hermes. She then asked, [color=ivory]”Have you ever...um...have you ever, killed?”[/color] she said shyly. Hermes’ brow furrowed and she looked over at the many drying pelts by her butcher station, “Do you mean, like, not an animal?” [color=ivory]”Yeah…”[/color] Arya said softly. Hermes bit her finger in thought, “So, here is the thing.” The woman leaned her club against the eastern building and folded her arms, “Only in self defense, and they were nasty little things with sharp teeth and evil eyes.” [color=ivory]”That sounds horrible.”[/color] Arya sighed, and stood up, grabbing the stick and practicing again. After a moment of silence, she finally said, [color=ivory]”I...I don’t know if I could do it.”[/color] “I hope you don’t ever have to make the choice,” Hermes sighed, watching her ‘student’. A small smile formed on her lips, “But I will say this, you learn very quickly.” A wide smile formed in Arya’s eyes as she heard the compliment. She turned her head to look at Hermes and said, [color=ivory]”You learn quickly when a Kostral is teaching you, or you get hit.”[/color] she said with a giggle. Hermes cocked her head, “Kostral?” [color=ivory]”Oh! Now I can teach you something.”[/color] Arya lulled happily before saying, [color=ivory]”Kostrals were created by Narzhak, they have six arms and no legs, though they usually use a pair to walk. The Kostral I found was named Split-Tooth, she’s my friend. I hope she is okay.”[/color] She fell silent, twirling the stick around as she sidestepped an invisible attack. She then said, [color=ivory]”Split was pretty tall, I guess all Kostrals are. She taught me a lot before we got seperated.”[/color] “Hm,” Hermes seemed disappointed at first, “I’ve missed a lot since I came back to Tendlepog.” She shook her head, “Well I’m sorry about your friend, but I’m sure she is okay. She sounds like it would take a lot to get her hands full.” The dreamer walked over to Arya, observing her form. [color=ivory]”Yeah, you would have been impressed when she fought the Lurker. I’m sure she won, Kostrals are all pretty much warriors. They like to fight.”[/color] Arya mused. “That does sound like Narzhak,” Hermes put her hand on one of Arya’s shoulders and squared it with the other, her foot reaching out to push Arya’s feet a little further apart. [color=ivory]”Ooo, thank you.”[/color] Arya said. [color=ivory]”So, have you ever sparred using this technique?”[/color] “No,” Hermes shook her head, “At it’s full speed, it’s a little too dangerous for friendly fighting.” She snickered, “Unless we had really big feathers or something.” She paused as if she just had an idea, “I’ll make a note of that.” Arya hummed, thinking on what Hermes had said. She was a little disappointed but then again, if it was dangerous and Hermes was expecting- it was probably a good idea not too. Hermes clapped a hand on Arya’s shoulder, breaking her from her thoughts “Oh! Would you like a demonstration?” [color=ivory]”Sure!”[/color] Arya said happily. With a wide smile, Hermes quickly shuffled over to her club and hefted it over her shoulder. Walking back to the center of the courtyard, she squared her feet in the starting position. She made the first swing, as slow as before. She did it again and then took in a deep breath. A ripple of sound suddenly boomed as she turned into a blur, the club dancing along with a fuzzy figure. It dipped, swung, juked, spun, turned, blocked, parried and riposted all in tandem with a cleverly laced dance and hard to place feet. The figure began to flash different colours and shapes, making the dance disorienting but all the more beautiful. Arya was instantly shocked at the display. She had no idea Hermes could move that quickly and she was puzzled by it, until she realized it was the sandals. How else would she have been able to beat Kalmar in a race? Her eyes went wide with giddy excitement as she balled up her fists and began to cheer. All the while, she knew that one day, she wanted to be able to do the same thing. It was simply beautiful to behold. “It’s hard to describe how beautiful she is, sometimes,” came a voice from behind Arya. There Xiaoli stood, arms folded over her bosom and a smile across her face with a slight bite over the lip towards the right edge. “It makes for very abstract poetry.” She gave Arya a wink and a click of her rose petal tongue. Arya turned around to look at Xiaoli and said, [color=ivory]”Indeed, Lady Xiaoli. It is an art of its own.”[/color] Arya turned back to view Hermes dance, with a soft smile. She then said, [color=ivory]”Hopefully one day, I can do that too.”[/color] “You will,” Hermes panted as she stopped, her entire body an array of different warm colors, with blurry shapes dotting her skin. It slowly faded back to alabaster, but her hair remained a dark mahogany, “Or some version of it at least.” She smiled at Xiaoli for a moment before looking at Arya, “If we have time tomorrow, we can practice again.” [color=ivory]”Okay!”[/color] she said giving a little jump, but visibly winced as her side hurt again. Xiaoli cracked a sympathetic smile and produced a cloth from one of the many pockets she had sown onto her skirt. She closed her hand around it for a second, then opened her fist to reveal the cloth again, now warm and damp. “Here, let me take a look at that again.” She shuffled a bit closer to Arya and placed the heated cloth over the bandages. There was an immediate sting that slowly gave way to a gentle numbing sensation. Arya let out a small gasp, placing one of her hands on Xiaoli’s shoulder. She then said, [color=ivory]”Oh, that feels really, really good. Thank you, Lady Xiaoli.”[/color] She gave her a wink. “It’s good that you are feeling better, but, uhm… May not want to overdo it just yet. I may be divine, but it’s better to let the body heal naturally than to rely on god-given powers.” She gave Hermes a look. “Your dance is… Really coming along - like, really.” Hermes grinned, “Thank you,” But then she fell serious, “But- but you’re right, we should go a little easier, just for a bit.” She gave Arya a glance before looking up at the setting Heliopolis, “It’s a little late anyways,” She blinked, “I haven’t stayed up this long in quite some time.” [color=ivory]”I suppose you both are right.”[/color] Arya grumbled before looking at Hermes, [color=ivory]”You go to bed this early?”[/color] she asked confused. Hermes yawned as if proving a point, “Sometimes.” She gave her a funny look, “I’m not called a Dreamer for nothing.” She looked over at Xiaoli, “How are you feeling?” Xiaoli stretched her arms over her head with a soft groan. “Been working on that wall -all- day and I am beat. Any of you want supper before bed time or was dinner enough?” She planted her hands on her hips and raised her brow expectantly at both of them. Arya shook her head, [color=ivory]”No thank you. I’m still quite full.”[/color] she said chipperly, patting her stomach. “After all that moving around, I don’t even want to tempt fate,” Hermes poked Xiaoli’s side and made her way towards the eastern building, “Let’s retire.” She looked over her shoulder, “I’ll see you in the morning, Arya. Hope you enjoy the palace.” [color=ivory]”Okay! Sleep well!”[/color] Arya said to Hermes with a smile. “N-no tea or--?” Xiaoli took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then let out a quiet ‘okay’. She gave Arya a smile and a curt bow. “Have a good night, dear Arya.” Arya began to wave to the pair, [color=ivory]”Goodnight, Lady Xiaoli!”[/color] and as the left, she let her hand fall to her side and looked at the setting sun. She then whispered, [color=ivory]”They go to bed reeeaall early huh.”[/color] With stick in hand, Arya then floated up and disappeared over the building. [hr] Even this late, the heliopolis still shone through the round wooden-framed paper window and cast a fuzzy, orange light across the bedsheets and blankets. The shadows of Hermes’ abundant equipment stacked against the walls formed uncanny black blots on the otherwise white paper wall decor. Xiaoli buttoned up her bed dress and let out a quiet sigh. “It’s nice to have guests here, don’t you think?” she said softly and turned to Hermes. Hermes tugged her lighter ‘sleep-shirt’ --as she calls-- it over her head and straightened it out. “It’s really nice,” She agreed, “This may sound kind of weird, but it’s almost like --” She paused bashfully, “Well it’s just good to know that I can teach.” “Ooooh?” Xiaoli cooed knowingly. She laid down on the bed and rolled onto her stomach. “Almost like what?” she said in a playful voice and added a giggle. Hermes slipped into the bed, “You know.” She rolled her eyes over a smile, “It’s like how it could be in the future.” She scooted close and gave Xiaoli a knowing look, “Hey, Xiaoli?” “Hmm?” Xiaoli hummed softly. “Remember when I was… well when I ate the mushroom?” Hermes leaned up on an elbow. Xiaoli’s brow furrowed and her mouth straightened out. “Your pillow talk may need some work, dear…” Hermes snickered, “Oh come on, I was just going to ask -- well, if you could do that steam-thing again.” Xiaoli’s face turned from a straight frown to a flirty smirk. “Oh…” She bit her lip a little. “Well, since you asked so nicely--” There was a sudden and loud bang in the courtyard. Xiaoli immediately pushed herself up and shot stares in every direction. “What was that?!” she snapped quickly as she skipped onto the floor and rapidly approached the door. Hermes grumbled and ripped herself out of the bed, stomping over to the door. “I don’t know, but I--” She threatened under her breath as she slipped on her sandals. Snatching her club she continued her march outside. There, across the courtyard in the golden light of the setting heliopolis was a woman dressed in a dark dress, the entire butcher station on its side. The stranger stood with her fists on her hips and a mirthful smile on her lips. “There, much better,” She grinned at the duo, “It was far too even.” “Gah!” Hermes cursed as her eyes scanned the fallen pelts, “I was going to make a cloak -- er well -- I was going to have Xiaoli make a cloak!” “Hermes, I appreciate it, but can we save it until later?” Xiaoli then turned to the stranger and copied her stance. “Exalted Creators’ blessings, stranger. Forgive my tone, but is it customary where you come from to ruin precious furniture? Not to mention breaking in?” A white streak fell through the air, before stopping to a halt next to Xiaoli, Arya gave a small wave, before landing on the ground. Arya cocked her head as she looked to the stranger with a quizzical expression in her eyes. She then whispered aloud to no one in particular, [color=ivory]”That’s not nice.”[/color] “Forgiven!” Diana smiled wide, “And your welcome.” She paused and suddenly clapped her hands together, letting them fall into her lap, “Oh my! It’s Xiaoli, Hermes and Arya.” She gave a toothy grin, “Oh, how I’ve been hoping to run into some sort of intelligence. I met the Warden, you know, but he was too giggly for my like and quite the raunchy talker.” Xiaoli’s eyes widened momentarily, then collapsed into a furious scowl. “Who told you about our location? Who are you?!” She clenched her fists and let them hang down her sides. Hermes backed Xiaoli up, puffing up and holding the club menacingly. “I’m K’nell, dear,” Diana chuckled, “Or well, in the same way you are Shengshi.” She gave the avatar a wink, “Please, call me Diana.” Hermes lowered her club in confusion, looking to Xiaoli, who blinked in a dumbstruck manner. She straightened up her back and folded her hands over one another. She took a deep breath through the nose and clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “So you are - you have his sacred scent - yet His Holiness K’nell would never send anyone to trouble us in this manner. What are you doing here and who sent you?” “Huff and fluff!” Diana scolded with a smile, “A dear friend can’t visit without some grand meaning?” “A dear friend would, first of all, knock like a respectable creature and, secondly, not ruin my lover’s workstation. Your ‘visit’ is quite rude, and--” “I think we can both agree that I most certainly did knock,” Diana winked. “You know what she means,” Hermes huffed. Diana raised her hands, “Oh I do, trust me. Xiaoli is quite the talker, sometimes it’s like you can’t even get a word in, and when you do, it just sounds dumb in comparison.” She laughed to herself, “Isn’t that right, Hermes?” Hermes seemed a little shocked at this and Diana leaned on the toppled table, “What, no tea?” Xiaoli sucked in a long, furious breath through her nose. “I’m sorry,” she hissed, “we drank the rest just this morning. We will make certain to notify you as soon as the harvest approaches.” “Oh,” Diana’s smile was unwavering, “Always the glutton, huh. It’s not like any of us really need to eat or drink, but here we are.” She chuckled, “Just draining Tendlepog for our own satisfaction.” She stood up, “Well, I for one think you all are doing the right thing, culling the little --” she waved a disgusted hand over the quoll pelts, “Ugly things.” Arya said nothing as the women spoke to one another, choosing instead to listen and watch the exchange as her grip tightened on the stick she carried. The newcomer wasn’t very nice, and the spite she held on her breath was targeted at the two woman who had taken her in without question. Diana hummed for a second, almost reminiscent of K’nell before spotting Arya in the corner of her eye, “Oh silly me.” She grinned wickedly, “Arya, darling. We’ve been keeping you from the conversation, how rude.” She put a hand on the guest house, “Are you staying with these lovely people?” Arya looked to Xiaoli and Hermes for a moment, then turned back to Diana and said, [color=ivory]”Um, yeah? Why else would I be here?”[/color] she said feigning innocence. “Sharp!” Diana’s eyes widened, “Of course, of course, love -- Just don’t go blowing any holes in these walls. I’m sure it took quite a while for the two to build -- well Xiaoli mostly.” Arya eyes expressed anger as she said, [color=ivory]”I’m not the one who’s destroyed anything.”[/color] “Okay!” Hermes hefted her club, “I think it’s time to leave.” Xiaoli backed up the statement by pulling her sand to her hand, shaping it into a straight shortsword. “Oh foo,” Diana waved a dismissing hand, “But if you insist, I can come back at a worse time.” “I--” Hermes stopped as she mulled over exactly what Diana just said, “I think I insist.” “Well look at you,” Diana beamed, “Thinking!” Xiaoli grit her teeth and in what felt like the blink of an eye, she kicked off the ground with enough force that she left an indenture in the soil underneath her and a small, yet loud, crack in the wall behind her. The skin-less river girl thrust her shortsword forward at stomach level as she soared, approaching faster than mortal eyes could catch. Like a cloud of darkness, Diana seemed to follow Xiaoli with ease, reminiscent of K’nell’s own greater reaction ability. She moved out of the way with a cackle, no worse for wear, save a small knick off the hem of her dress. She let out a wide grin, “I see we’ve devolved into violence already.” “It’s alright, really,” Diana hummed, as she started on her way “I’ll just come back another time.” Xiaoli let out a few agitated pants and pointed a shaking finger at Diana. “No, you -won’t-,” she spat through her teeth. Hermes put a hand on Xiaoli’s shoulder. “I’ll talk to K’nell.” Xiaoli suddenly collapsed to her knees and put her face in her hands. The sword slowly dissolved and the sand wrapped itself around her body once more. A few whimpers preceded her words: “I-... I couldn’t hit her - my fastest strike and she dodged it like it was some leaf on the wind.” Hermes squeezed Xiaoli’s shoulder, “Arya, why don’t you relax inside, take my notes if you want. I’m going to get Lady Xiaoli something to sip on.” It took Arya a moment to register what had happened, then it was over. She looked to Hermes as she spoke, dropped her stick and then said, [color=ivory]”No, let me make some tea, it’s the last I can do. She needs you, I think.”[/color] Arya said, before slipping back inside, not waiting for a reply from Hermes. Hermes sighed and sat down next to Xiaoli, “Hey.” Xiaoli’s eyes were red as the sunset when she looked up. She sniffed a few times and let out a series of sobs as she cast her arms around Hermes’ neck, pulling her close with a wail. “I’m so--” she sniffed. “I’m sorry I’m so useleeeess!” “You’re not useless,” Hermes bent her knees and slid an arm under Xiaoli, hefting her into a bridal carry. She turned back to the Eastern building, “I mean, you built all of this by yourself. That’s a lot, I’m a little jealous even.” “Buh--” she took a moment to wipe some tears away. “But I can’t protect us if she comes back, Hermes! What are we supposed to do?!” She leaned her head on Hermes’ chest. “We do it together,” Hermes pushed the sliding door open with her foot and walked inside, “Also, I’m going to talk to K’nell about this, I’m sure he can help find a solution.” Coming up to the bed, Hermes gently dropped Xiaoli onto the covers. The woman put her hands on her hips and looked over the red eye’d River-girl, “Oh, Xiaoli,” She made a face. “W-what?” Xiaoli pouted and curled up a little, facing the wall. Hermes sat down next to her and put a hand on her back, “I think she got to you.” She gave her a gentle rub, “But you’re okay, okay?” “Got to me?!” Xiaoli snapped. “Of course, she didn’t! Not at all! -NO!-” Hermes recoiled and gave her a look. There was a pause. “Maybe…” Xiaoli finally huffed. “She had me too,” Hermes admitted and put her hand back on Xiaoli, “I haven’t felt that stupid… in a long time. It made me miserable, really.” Hermes groaned and stretched out next to Xiaoli, “Buuuut, we are fine -- now.” “You chased her off, and I’ll talk to K’nell about the rest.” Xiaoli let out another sad huff, but eventually turned to face Hermes. “Hey, Hermes?” Hermes seemed to be pulled from a thought, “Mmyeah?” Xiaoli leaned in and planted a small peck on the spiral on her forehead. “Thank you,” she whispered. [hider=Summary] So here we are again with the top three in descending order of awesomeness, Xiaoli, Hermes and Arya. >.< Basically what’s going on is that Hermes is teaching Arya (The girl not the bird) to dance fight and I’m not talking that shit that John Travolta does, I’m talking fu man chu master shit. Anyways, Arya takes to it real quick like and asks to do it for real. Being the sensible honey she is, Hermes is like “lol naw” and they don’t. But she does show her how fast she can go, and yes, Sonic cried. Xiaoli pops up and wolf whistles a few times and makes Arya a little “yo man that’s yo lady not mine.” but all is well in the world. Hermes cuts and goes up to the two and Xiaoli throws some flirt her way, to which Hermes goes “lol thnx” So whatever, they decide it’s time to sleep. Arya goes to the guest room and Hermes and Xiaoli take up the love shack. Hermes tries to put the moves on Xiaoli, and she was biting -- but then crash came the cockblock and Diana showed up. She fucked up a station, saying it was too ‘even’ and then proceeded to shoot some heat that sent everyone into an ire. Xiaoli attacked the lady but missed. Diana leaves, and Xiaoli is upset. Hermes puts back her own worries to comfort her partner. [/hider] [hider=Prestigio] Hermes, The Martial Artist, The Scholar, The Dancer, The Mother 3+25=28 28 remaining Arya, The Learner: +24 Prestige Starting -6 Prestige on Dancing -6 Prestige on Martial Combat -2 to claim the title, “The Martial Dancer” +1 For Minor Role +1 For Major Role +1 For Jolly Collaboration = +13 Prestige Ending [/hider] [hider=What the hell?] There once was a boy from Nantucket. He once fucked a cod in a bucket. The cod had some eggs They spilled on his legs And he died ‘cause he didn’t suck it Now that’s Shengshese poetry indeed Fine work, bruv. Roses are red, violets are blue, Hermes is gunna be a mother, And her vagina will never recover. Roses are red, Tulips are lekker, Hermes got pregnant By Xiaoli’s pecker. Roses are red, Unless they are frayed, And just like Orvus, Won’t ever get laid. [/hider]