Lin was probably the person who stood out the most. At least some of the crewmembers had proper training. They wouldn't get far if they didn't so much as have a helmsman who didn't know his head from his... well you get the idea. Many of the logistics personnel, the Helmsman, and even a few soldiers were actually properly trained for the positions they had been placed in. Not everything was a mess. Just... just most of it. Like the big parts. She was sitting there on a sofa, as people walked by. It was like a dream, not necessarily a good one but not a nightmare. It just, didn't feel real. All these people moving about... SHE was their Commander? Each and every person in this barracks answered to HER?! A DOCTOR?! Well that wasn't entirely heard of, in many militaries around the Galaxy a Medic of any kind had the final say in just about anything when it came to the wounded they were treating. Not even a General could often overrule the decision of a Medic who said their patients were unfit for duty. But that was a little different from a Doctor giving actual, real orders to soldiers. Most people didn't seem to question the fact that much of the crew wasn't Human, and that their Commander was an Asari. Perhaps they all took it as a sort of 'all hands on deck' situation and figured, this was just the way it was going to be in the face of a threat like the Reaper. A more diverse crew would be better at convincing others for aid, rather than a crew of just Humans saying "Come save our planet instead of your own". That was the theory anyways, whether it was actually planned out that way was, doubtful to say the least. Lin looked up and saw the Turian who looked rather displeased with the situation... yeah, she had been seeing that look all day. After all... it was only MOST of the people that didn't question this whole thing. All the while, Lin just had this blank, emotionless expression, as if she had given up all hope. Not just in the situation, but with life, with reality, with everything.