[center][h2][color=a187be]Lexus Dominiel[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.redd.it/fi061r79cq321.jpg[/img][/center] [color=a187be][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Lexus Dominiel [color=a187be][u][b]Nicknames / Titles / Alias's:[/b][/u][/color] High Inquisitor [color=a187be][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 777 [color=a187be][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/color] Male [color=a187be][u][b]Height:[/b][/u][/color] 6'6" [color=a187be][u][b]Weight:[/b][/u][/color] 30 lbs [color=a187be][u][b]Build:[/b][/u][/color] A skeleton. [color=a187be][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color][indent]Lexus Dominiel has the form of a skeleton dressed in holy raiment, whether it be crusader-like armor, inquisitorial robes, or vestments befitting a high priest. In all iterations, he is heavily bejeweled, with the jewels even forming parts of important facial features such as the eyes, nose, teeth and beard: [hider=Heavily Bejeweled][img]https://thumbs-prod.si-cdn.com/5IHhI3fSMf9_aXFA3UU6DfHGC_0=/fit-in/1072x0/https://public-media.si-cdn.com/filer/ed/c3/edc33e6d-9950-4613-b49f-e61e9ef96fdb/for-smithsonian0001.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent] [color=a187be][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u][/color][indent]Lexus Dominiel has completely embraced the idea that devils came from angels and pompously sees himself as some sort of equal but opposite counterpart to those celestial, divine messengers. He is deeply philosophical and manipulative, driving lesser minds mad with pedantry, sophistry and circular logic. Lexus takes great joy in corrupting the pious with arrogance, ignorance, desperation, and power. Fanatically loyal to Morelion, Lexus is a pedagogue and expects the same devotion from his underlings and will not tolerate insubordination of any kind.[/indent] [color=a187be][u][b]Specialty:[/b][/u][/color] Diplomacy, subterfuge, and magic. Lexus has the ability to corrupt the most powerful forces for good either into oppressive, close-minded regimes, or disorganized masses of hate and violence. He specializes in preying on the universal weakness of all sentient minds: the inability to self-criticize, and seeks out those in high positions, often acting as an echo chamber to amplify their irrational fears and biases. For this reason, he has has mastered speech, religious philosophy, as well as fire magic for combat, light magic for disguises, and even holy magic. [color=a187be][u][b]Dominating Trait/Sin:[/b][/u][/color] Fanaticism [color=a187be][u][b]Background:[/b][/u][/color][indent]Lexus Dominiel claims to be responsible for several devastating racial and religious crusades that had flared up in Shal'var's history, though he has little proof of this other than the mass of holy relics and religious artifacts that he has managed to hoard in his castle. Though capable enough at leading his own forces, he has sought time and time again for something to believe in, and has offered his fealty to several great devil lords in the past, only to eventually leave their employ, either by escape or by exile. Lexus has a history of not getting along with other devils due to his arrogant, pompous nature, and his tendency to use holy magic, which most devils see as an inexcusable threat. But it is this use of holy magic which has allowed him to maintain his territory, despite having antagonized many of his neighbors. One day he slipped into Morelion's domain in the guise of a simple undead magician and served in his army. One day, out of the blue, he revealed himself to Morelion and swore fealty. Something about the way Morelion carried himself and led his forces sparked a fervent, undying loyalty in Lexus, who has served as Morelion's general and adviser since.[/indent]