[hr][center][h1][color=007236]Mahendra Huq Zalil[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/NnrWy0t/ezgif-com-webp-to-jpg.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=007236]Location:[/color] Benha (Trains to Athribis) [Color=007236]Skills:[/color] Animal handling[/center][hr] And so they were on their way. The train began it's titanic labour of moving itself and all the wagons down the man-made path of steel and wood, off to Athribis. Their destiny! Mahendra waited as said for everyone of the party to board the train, giving both Lauren and Nora a polite smile in return for their gestures; Nora's slight smile, an uncommon sight of the frail yet sharp-minded lady to Mahendra at the very least, and Lauren's conversation. Yes he had been informed of Vera's ill health that morning, but any further elaboration had avoided him and been avoided by him. It was not proper to question about such things, at least not until it was anything serious. With everyone onboard, Mahendra followed suit and came to watch as the Fellowship found their seats. The Lord Major and Gene, Bella and J.C., Lauren and Nora. He himself would be sitting alone, it would seem. It was of no concern though, he had stayed behind after all, and the party was not spread out too thin, so conversation was a valid possibility. [color=007236]"Present and accounted for, Lord Major Sir."[/color] Mahendra assured the Lord Major at his tally, while he found himself an empty seat, picking up pieces of the conversation about horses. That's when another creature joined the Fellowship, causing J.C. to react in a not-so gentlemanly manner in front of them as to the cat. Bella on the other hand appeared to find some amusement in the occurence, calling the cat J.C.'s new friend and mentioning Bastet's liking to him. Bastet, another connection to their Fellowship and the mysterious happenings befalling them. Mahendra hoped it was not a troubling connection, but turned his attention to the cat itself. It didn't appear to show any signs of malice intentions, simply wishing for a lap to sit in. [color=007236]"Interesting creatures most certainly. Pretty to behold as well."[/color] Mahendra commented, smiling at the cat and presenting his own lap or the seat beside himfor the cat to sit in. [hr][center][h1][color=#255DB3]Richard Barker[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/wL4yyVV/ezgif-com-resize.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=#255DB3]Location:[/color] Benha (Trains) [Color=#255DB3]Skills: [/color]People-reading[/center][hr] At first Richard's inquiry looked as frutiful as an olive garden in the middle of a Canadian winter, from the guy's confused look. Great, the first catch of the day was an old boot, so to speak. Or was it an odd look instead? It didn't take long for the man to answer Richard back in good old English, the reasoning behind it lost on Richard. He probably needed to practice his Arabic after so long off the street. The answer in English was just as disappointing as the odd look. Of course. Of course the man selling the tickets wouldn't have any information prudent to their investigation, how typical! Richard sighed annoyingly at their lack of progress, only to be given a new thread to hang their investigation on. [color=#255DB3]"American's running the sites you say? What sites? Athribis or Leontopolis?"[/color] Richard questioned back at the man, reading his best in search for the man's intentions. Was he like everyone else and lying straight to his face, good at it or telling the truth. But in his search, Richard had to conclude that he was telling the truth, and jumped onto the next part of the conversation. Buying tickets. [color=#255DB3]"What do you say, Faye? Want to take a train ride into the sunset?"[/color] Richard asked Faye, starting to pull out his wallet. She was his partner. Despite him not always liking it, they were all in this together, and taking decisions without her not a good idea. Even if she was a bit naive sometimes. Richard's wallet was from as hefty as it once had been, the weight re-shuffled to other parts of his body, though he still had some cash. [color=#255DB3]"Great...for once the trains had to be on time...When's the next train leaving then, pal?"[/color]