[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PgThPo8.png[/img] [h2][color=fc5873]S[/color]ana [color=fc5873]H[/color]elme[/h2] [i][color=fc5873]A[/color]nimus[/i] [/center] [hr] Sana took notice of the others who entered, seeing if her first impressions of them lead to her having any desire to team up with them. First was the bird, which she looked at curiously, her gaze following it as it left the room a moment before a man with a plague doctor-esque costume entered. He clearly cared about his appearance at least. Sana supposed that was a good sign. The next person to walk in was a little more questionable, though. Of course, the chainsaw was the first thing Sana noticed--impossible for it not to be, considering the noise in an otherwise quiet place. That... couldn't be wieldy. If the girl holding it was using it because she thought it was 'cool,' or something, Sana would certainly have a giggle. The fire-girl's gaze moved up from the tool-turned-weapon to see that its owner was staring at her, having moved to stand just behind the apparent ringleader. Sana returned the gaze curiously, wondering what the girl's deal was. She couldn't help but smirk at the sound of the chainsaw coming alive again, the girl still looking right at Sana. The loyal dog kind of villain, evidently. Reasonable questions and demands were not allowed if they were asked of the 'leader,' at least according to chainsaw-girl--and as far as the purple-haired woman herself seemed to be concerned as well, considering her apparent love for ignoring others. Amusing. Seeing villains 'socialize' for the first time--and taking part in that socializing herself--was really amusing. She hadn't been sure what to expect coming here, but so far it hadn't been the worst outcome she'd imagined. Last was the young man that Sana began to immediately identify by his shark-inspired bandana. The purple-haired women finally decided to acknowledge them, indicating to Sana that this was everyone that had been invited. Sana smirked again, this time at the women's implication that her caution was childish, the smirk only growing with the immediately following comment on egos. Perhaps the women needed to take heed of her own words. No matter--dealing with a hypocrite wasn't enough to turn Sana completely off the gathering yet. Sana listened intently enough, finding herself eager to finally hear what this was all about. Her smile lost its arrogance as more was revealed. The plans of the group were bigger than any sort of petty crimes, which of course Sana had assumed before arriving, but hearing that the dismantling of U.S.J. was specifically what the purple-haired woman was after brought the slightest feeling of butterflies of excitement to Sana's stomach. Burning unequivocally useless small-time heroes was one thing, but to go after something so dear to the heart of hero society... Sana's eyes widened and her smile took on a hint of sociopathy. The thought of burning such a thing to the ground was stirring. Her eyes scanned the monitors as images flashed on them, her thoughts pausing for a second as a picture of her younger brother showed up before disappearing quickly to make way for a classmate of his. The girl crossed her arms, her enthusiasm dampened slightly as bird-boy asked a decent enough question, though it was immediately dismissed in an amusing fashion by the second woman who had been there when Sana had entered the room. The woman, who introduced herself as Quinn, had quietly been laughing to herself during chainsaw-girl's stare down. That, along with her words now, told Sana that she was likely the most entertaining person here. Sana liked that, and while Quinn didn't seem like she truly cared whether or not the rest of them followed up on her introduction, she decided to humour her. [color=fc5873]"Sana. Animus while in costume. My fact--"[/color] she looked towards the ringleader to address her. [color=fc5873]"--I don't like you so far. I don't think you care anyway, and that's one of the reasons I don't like you. But I don't really feel the need to, either, as long as you're competent--which goes for the rest of you. Incompetence is for heroes. For people who are sheltered and nurtured and [i]told[/i] they're strong. I'll cooperate with your plans. Take this as my show of good faith--you selected me to be part of this group, so I'll [i]trust[/i] the others you picked are equally useful."[/color] Sana held her gaze on the leader a moment longer, her stony expression communicating the genuineness behind her words, before she moved to stand somewhat near Quinn to take a closer look at the newer papers that had been tossed on the table. Her motivations and goals were probably a bit different from the rest--but they lined up close enough. The students and faculty of U.S.J. [i]should[/i] be truly tested. Simulations and written papers bred weakness. Weakness in such a field lead to the destruction of lives. Weakness needed to be burned. Any hero, on the level of Enterprise or otherwise, who couldn't handle a villainous force deserved to die. If this group could become that dangerous kind of monster and exterminate all the heroes who had failed her, she was more than happy to take part. Even if... even if her brother would be caught in the crossfire. He'd just have to be strong. Sana knew he could be. Maybe. The girl bit her lip. She wouldn't make exceptions. If he wanted to be a hero--if he had taken the opportunity she had helped give him through all she had done to protect him from their father--he needed to be stronger than all the useless heroes that infested San Francisco currently. She had already sunk, but he still had the opportunity to swim. That was enough. If she was to be his true test of strength and character, then it would be so.