"I'll think of something!" Summer replied, heading towards Sammy. "Hi again! Still after Binky? I'd appreciate it if you'd stop. She's a nice girl and she's got things pretty bad... Well, better now that she's under Beacon's protection, but still not great. Anyway, if you could open this barrier like you claim, it'd be really interesting to watch. In fact..." She paused and reached into her handbag pulling out a video recorder. "I'd like to record it so I can learn from you!" [hr] Shion continued waiting for Cindy, wondering when it would finally be her turn to speak with her. [hr] [hider=Exit World, Stage Left] Makoto finally left Ezekial's workshop, Maxwell in tow, holding a small metal cube in one hand and a large metal container in her other hand by reducing its gravity. [color=f26522]"Looks like this is goodbye, Maxy. See, no trouble for you or Beacon from this squirrel. Think you could send me to the Overcity?"[/color] "If it gets you out of my world then I'd be happy to." Maxwell said as he quickly opened a rift to it. [color=f26522]"Thank you~"[/color] Makoto said as she jumped through and began running towards the nearest populated area. "I've got a bad feeling about this." [/hider] [@BrokenPromise][@Flamelord]