[color=lightblue][hider=Annalyse] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/97d4f89b60fd2de17a2e5cfbe5648ce8.png[/img] [center][sub]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ea8da1d7-f9a6-42eb-aa5f-b8049d660dbc/dd4nsa1-06f808db-b34f-445e-9146-20f82e634753.png/v1/fill/w_1192,h_670,strp/annalyse_by_snipergeneration_dd4nsa1-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzIwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZWE4ZGExZDctZjlhNi00MmViLWFhNWYtYjgwNDlkNjYwZGJjXC9kZDRuc2ExLTA2ZjgwOGRiLWIzNGYtNDQ1ZS05MTQ2LTIwZjgyZTYzNDc1My5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.c0-acZSBRkvR0bk5TEEkGMUn56c5TQxPXsfjiO6xguE[/img][sup][hr][/sup][/center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/b31405dbc2c63313a5d18fde81686115.png[/img] Annalyse Female 17 Years Old Heterosexual [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/98cb1e9731307938c8219e0df7f16b0a.png[/img] Annalyse can be described as a softspoken motherly type. She cares for other people and doesn't like seeing anyone sad or hurting. Much less if they were someone she was close to. Especially the other kids from the orphanage. If she feels that anyone she's close to is suffering in any way then she will do her best to take care of them. Even if they don't want it. Annalyse always tries to find a reason to smile. For it was a smile that helped her in her greatest time of need. However, Annalyse doesn't have the best control over her emotions so it is fairly easy for them to take over. After the arrival of Catamount, Annalyse has become somewhat withdrawn into herself. She barely communicates with anyone else scared that she will upset or anger someone. Not being able to see any of the other kids from the orphanage is breaking her inside. At this point, she is willing to do anything to make sure they are all right. Even if it means risking putting herself in danger. [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/85ef51ced1cc2625017b2aef4b2be222.png[/img] [list][*]Books - It doesn't matter what kind of book it is Annalyse just enjoys reading. She can easily get drawn into any book for hours taking in all which the pages contain. [*]Cooking - One of the main chores that Annalyse had at the orphanage was cooking. At first, she didn't like it but she grew to enjoy experimenting in the kitchen. However, the other kids tended to not like her experimentation as she was definitely not the best at it. [*]The Sky - Despite being trapped by the restraints known as Catamount, Annalyse often finds herself staring into the sky losing herself into daydreams of following through on her desire for adventure. She dreams of one day being able to fly through the big blue sky like a bird without any chains upon her.[/list] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/5ce2468211f1fbc3530848abcc6bd2a3.png[/img] [list][*]Fighting - Annalyse absolutely loathes the action. She can't stand any form of fighting no matter what, but she understands that sometimes it is necessary as in protecting those one cares for. She doesn't even like fighting the Forest Vulcans but she has no choice. [*]Arrogance - The one personality trait that bothers Annalyse the most is an arrogant one. This was one of the key defining traits of the manager of the orphanage so Annalyse got to the point of disliking anyone who had such a trait. [*]Alcohal - Yet again another one that stemmed off of the manager of the orphanage who had a little bit of a drinking problem. She was not a kind woman but always seemed to get worse when she was drunk causing messes and forcing the kids to clean up.[/list] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/f790ab87c8e787e31b11a36d793b2455.png[/img] [list][*]Goal for joining White Gull - Annalyse is joining White Gull because when Zane came to her it gave her a little bit of hope. Hope that maybe if they became strong enough they could rid their home of Catamount. Annalyse wanted to defeat Catamount and find her family, the other orphans. She just hoped that they wouldn't be too late. [*]Life Goal - Annalyse wants to go on an adventure like one of the heroes of the stories she has read. She wants to save people, make glorious memories, and inspire other children as the books inspired her. She also wants to learn about who her parents were and what happened to them.[/list] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/4311278e2d9b32c9ed39c9078f938f93.png[/img] That White Gull will be too late to save those she cares about. [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/8086371ad14cbed06220d641ce1d2d83.png[/img] Among the top names of those fighting the Forest Vulcans are The Crimson Chevalier, Angor the Bloodthirsty, Sliver Fanged Jacques, and so on. One of the lesser-known but nearly as important is Annalyse. With her magic, Annalyse has become a major fighter in the second group because of her magic and use of Eclipse. Many of Catamount thought that Annalyse's magic was weak enough to be able to easily control her but those she fought alongside and a few others seemed to see the true power behind her Attribute Script. Zane must have been among that number as he came to her with a request to join his guild. [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/e07408d96f47aeb23efd0dc5e4f146b4.png[/img] Her guild mark resides in the center of her right palm. It is the same color as the font. [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/fa4e2dd43164d487e032b7c3d02bfe43.png[/img] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/635b22e758ad47cfddae5075357c5664.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/55bc605b8197c34b41654009467c6c75.png[/img] A type of letter magic that is used to apply varying attributes to items. There are some limitations to what kind of attributes. An example is that using this magic, one can make a blade hotter than it normally would be but they cannot set it on fire via said magic. It is more of an effect on the item directly and not really how it interacts with its surroundings. Another example is that the magic can make a drink taste alcoholic but it can't actually make the drink alcoholic. There is a limitation to how many attributes one can place on a specific item and how many items they can alter at a time. This all depends on the user's skill level and magical endurance. Also, depending on the complexity of the attribute it can take longer than other attributes to apply to something, and the more attributes one item has the longer it takes to add a new attribute. [hider=Spells:] [table][row][cell]Name[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Effect[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Difficulty to Apply[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Durability[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question more durable[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]This one is harder to apply depending on the damage already sustained and the material used in the making of the item. A freshly made iron sword takes approximately 1 to 2 hours to apply.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Sharpness[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes any edge on the item in question feel sharper[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]The sharper the edge is the easier it is to apply this attribute. With a sword, it would take about 15 minutes. A dull sword would take about an hour. An edge on something like a box would take about a day and a half of work.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Lightweight[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question feel lighter[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Five minutes for every 10 pounds that Annalyse tries to reduce the weight by.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Silent[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question move through the air with no noise and when it is set upon something or as it moves against something[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]About a months worth of noncontinuous work.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Burning[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question feel hot to the touch[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]About a two days worth of noncontinuous work.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Sticky[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question stick to other surfaces[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Three weeks of noncontinuous work.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Rejuvenating[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question feel rejuvenating; a placebo effect making someone feel energized and similarly to adrenaline makes it where the person can't fight through the pain a little easier[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Two months of noncontinuous work.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Prickly[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question feel spiky[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Twenty minutes of work.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Poisonous[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question, upon touch, apply a placebo effect causing a person to feel ill[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Two months of noncontinuous work.[/cell][/row] [row][cell]Chilly[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]Makes the item in question feel cold to the touch[/cell][cell][/cell][cell]About a two days worth of noncontinuous work.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider][/center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/43d0182b1ba047deb99a952b90280c02.png[/img] Second Group [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/e8f5b13ea94651da98cb09e009190607.png[/img] She sees the other kids at the orphanage as her family. [list][*][url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/suka-suka/images/3/35/00000051.png/revision/latest?cb=20180330163853]Nelly - 15[/url] [*][url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/suka-suka/images/4/47/Nephren2.png/revision/latest?cb=20180414113500]Erica - 13[/url] [*][url=https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l7-v36gCGUvitCDBNiCGd-Geb9OfimLBm4qMRQ=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no]Zatch - 13[/url] [*][url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/suka-suka/images/0/0d/Tiat2.png/revision/latest?cb=20180412050708]Tilly - 10[/url] [*][url=https://rei.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-927499332.png]Cerise - 10[/url] [*][url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/suka-suka/images/3/30/Pannibal2.png/revision/latest?cb=20180412051540]Penelope - 9[/url] [*][url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yakusokunoneverland/images/2/22/Phil-Anime.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20190331061259]Phil - 6[/url][/list] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190415/43e48b686e5c536880e1c465c068d494.png[/img] Annalyse doesn't know anything about where she came from. Her first memory was waking up in the orphanage on Kaia with a few bandages. All she knew was her name was Annalyse and that no adults were gonna tell her anything. She did have a picture of a couple which she was told was her parents, and that along with her arrival was some sort of weapon that the manager had hidden away. It was mostly conjectured by the other kids but they assumed the weapon had something to do with her parents. Her life in the orphanage was fairly simple. She did chores, played with the other kids, and would read books often. Only thing was that anytime people would come to visit the orphanage none of them ever gave her any thought. She couldn't really explain it but she felt trapped. It was as if the adults had a secret stigma against her. The only freedom she found was in her friendship with the other orphans and the numerous books in the library. Annalyse fell in love with the stories to such a point she desired to one day live one of those kinds of adventures herself. One day she came across a mysterious book which had her name written upon it. The book was all about a type of magic called Attribute Script. This and her love of adventure books led her to try out the magic. She wanted to be able to join a guild and live a life of excitement. She was surprised to discover how easy the magic came to her. She spent as much free time as she could reading the book and honing the abilities she developed upon using the techniques written inside. That was when Catamount arrived. The orphanage was abandoned by the adults and it was up to the kids to protect themselves. Annalyse did her best but her magic wasn't meant for getting one out of sudden bad situations. The kids working together and using the various objects Annalyse had affected throughout her various training sessions, held off the dark mages as best they could but it wouldn't last long at all. That was until one of the kids found [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/suka-suka/images/8/83/00000075.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/327?cb=20180331160227]Eclipse[/url]. The weapon which had shown up when Annalyse did. Upon touching the weapon, Annalyse realized that the sword had numerous amounts of attributes applied to it. So many that Annalyse couldn't keep track of them all. She was surprisingly able to fight off some of the weaker dark mages, but that still was not enough. The dark mages were surprised at what Annalyse could do with the sword but when they disarmed her and tried to wield it themselves realized that it wasn't allowing them to use its power. Because they couldn't use it themselves the dark mages didn't kill Annalyse and instead put her to work as a member of group two. They had killed some of the older children in order to make sure the rest would obey. With the remaining children they were mostly put towards group three but as a way to keep Annalyse in line they haven't allowed her to go to that area of the island. Annalyse uses Eclipse to fight the Forest Vulcans but also is occasionally forced to 'buff' the gear of the other fighters or members of the dark guild. She has done some fishing around in the attributes applied to Eclipse and has found what she thinks is some form of a message but it's in some sort of code and she has no way of deciphering it.[/hider][/color]