[@Shandria] [quote=@Shandria] [color=0072bc] "Everyone else here was assigned to the Minotaur so, if you were sent here, that'll be your ship, and I will be your Commander."[/color] [/quote] Learning about this new fact made detective axiously chew on his cigaret. Part of him was thinking it was weird that she was commanding a ship, another was wondering about how low alliance's standards had fallen, the largest part was wondering if somehow the desk jockeys made a gigantic mistake in her assignment but he shook those thoughts away. If the alliance thought women could serve a ship, then it shouldn't have been too out there that a woman a commander. [quote=@Shandria] [color=0072bc] "You don't seem to be too nervous about this whole thing. Not that I'm saying you should be afraid or anything. It's just... you don't seem to have any issue with the fact that you, a detective, was assigned to a Military ship as a Researcher."[/color] [/quote] Detective finished listening to her talk then smothered his cigaret into a nearby table [color=ed1c24]"I don't know why I'd be afraid toots. Sure the reaper's got zombies and cyborgs but I've got my old friend carnefex and seven years of kung fu on my side..."[/color] He affectionally patted his sidearm [color=ed1c24]"... It doesn't matter where they send me and to do what, I've got a system that fixes every problem out there."[/color] violence solves everything. Detective siddled his way close to her, reeking of old whiskey and stale cigarets, before speaking in a hushed gravely tone [color=ed1c24]"So now that I've met the captain, how about we get that drink sweatheart"[/color]. He knew it was in the bag already but he still layed the charm on thick, making sure she enjoyed the full Detective Rampage experience.