Marcus couldn’t help feeling mildly surprised that the first person to spaz out in class was one of the mortals, but then realized that a human, xenophobic or not, would be getting a little nervous when surrounded by powerful supernatural creatures with the capability – if not the intention – of reducing him to a dark red stain or heap of ash with minimal effort. An already unstable person would go over the edge all too easily... whose idea had it been to send him here? Marcus had at least enough presence of mind to answer Sasha’s question: “- I think we should stick together and try to get along, so we have someone we can trust when… unexpected... scenes like these happen. It would be pretty pathetic if the grand experiment meant for peace and tolerance had to end because of some incident happening on the first day.” He twiddled his fingers a little nervously at his last words. He did not openly state his last thought: an openly loony person would at least be easier to avoid than someone who was crazy in secret. He felt tempted to dream-read the boy when next night comes, but decided against it; some people’s minds could be dangerous to contact. At least nobody else had shown any signs of insanity or really boorish manners thus far, though it was clear not all students took the classes as seriously.