Sasha listened to both Emily and the black haired cat boy's ([@BiffleChump]) responses to her question. Her heart sank at Emily's words, but she smiled sincerely when Emily asked if she was okay. [b]"Yes, thank you Emily. I think I'm okay. This is my first time going to school so I wasn't sure what to expect to begin with. Might as well be a riot!"[/b] She laughed a little, then looked back at Emily softly. [b]"That sounds terrible though, what happened with your ex. If you wanna talk about it after class let me know."[/b] She put her hand over Emily's for a brief moment in a comforting gesture, then turned to the fay. [b]"You're absolutely right. We need to remember how important it is that we all get along! We have the chance to determine history right now."[/b] Sasha was so excited to be making friends, especially since she got to be part of such an amazing goal in the process. She spotted another dark haired boy in the back of the classroom and waved at him. ([@Vampiretwilight] Jason) [b]"You should come sit with us while we wait for everyone to get back! Oh, I'm Sasha by the way. What are your names?"[/b] She addressed the second part to the two boys. [hr] Benji laughed when the demon ([@Spike]) said he wasn't doing anything interesting. [b]"Whatever it is, I'm sure it beats sitting in the classroom, waiting for the teacher to wrangle the class back together."[/b] He had been in similar classroom environments and nothing ever truly got taught. Benji learned more from ditching class with his friends than he ever did from a teacher. He learned art, through graffitti maybe but art all the same, and he learned coding by helping to hack the school's grade system, and he learned how to fight, steal, and run like hell. That wasn't what you were supposed to learn in school, but that's what Benji had gotten out of his education so far. The human followed the other student into the library and raised his eyebrows and all the spellbooks and symbols. [i]Oh, so I'm going to be learning some occult things today.[/i] Despite his initial suspicion, Benji was genuinely interested in seeing the demon do whatever magic he did with these books. He stepped back when asked, choosing to sit backward on a chair from a neighboring table, resting his arms and head on the back of it. He laughed when the demon asked him not to sneeze. [b]"No promises."[/b] He said it jokingly, not stopping to think the demon might not pick up on his human sense of humor.