I haven't thought too much about the Eluri. They are a 'softer' culture than Azurei, which is harsh, sharp, and hardy. For example, the Azurei would solve bartering disputes with a whole lot of shouting and hand gestures and curses, but then come to an agreement and be cool about it. The Eluri are probably a lot more 'reasonable'. Sort of 'oh, let's talk this out, let's make a deal that benefits both of us' etc. I guess they're more of a 'chill' culture whereas Azurei is very intense. They are more in touch with nature I think, since there is more nature to be in touch with LOL since Eluri is not a desert. Warm, since it's mostly southern but probably also wetter too. Likely forested. They would be tall (elves are generally tall) with lighter skin than Azurei and hair colors leaning more towards light brown/blonde, eye colors ranging from brown to green to blue or grayish with everything in between, while Azurei tend to have more light brown/honey/gold/deep orange tones. If languages have a 'vibe' then Azurian tends to be sharp, while Eluri is more soft. More l, y, sorts of sounds. It flows a little more than Azurian which can be somewhat staccato, so Think Tolkien type elvish. In general they do have a more wood-elf kind of feel to them. Culturally they value creativity, education, music, and the practice of critical thinking. Their access to visions make them able to understand ideas or cultures beyond their own, so they're flexible and accommodating when it comes to other cultures. Both they and the Orosi do not have ojih tattoos (the facial ones) like Azurei, though tattooing in general is still a large part of Orosi culture and probably a smaller part of Eluri culture. On the whole, they're not really fighters and sometimes will 'borrow' Azurei if they need guards for caravans or something. They have a single ruler (can be either gender) but they are backed by a council that is equally important. Outside of that, add what you like and we'll sort of build it together, I haven't thought much beyond these generalities.