[h2][color=0054a6][center] Cody Ang [/center][/color][/h2] As the Halberd moved into the battlefield, Cody looked up and spotted a Red-star missile cruiser advancing on their position. Following Narra's orders, he made his way towards said cruiser and began formulating a plan to capture it. As it would be used as merely a platform, eliminating most of its weapons would be a good way to create a path, along with eliminating any of its NC escorts trying to defend it. To hijack the cruiser however, he would need the skills of a certain utility NC. Switching into the comms, he would send a message to both Theodore and Adam detailing his plan. He would also send another message to pilot Steiner informing her about the plan to capture the cruiser and to move to his position. Lastly, he would switch to the team comms and speak to his squad: [color=0054a6] Heads up everyone, our target is the missile cruiser up ahead. The plan is to disarm and disable it, and to turn it into a forward staging area for the assault on the carrier. Our job is to eliminate the cruiser's weapons and its escorts, while escorting pilot Steiner to the cruiser so she will be able to hijack it. Pilot Mustang and I will provide support fire and take out the cruiser's guns, while TABRIS and pilot Trudeau will escort pilot Steiner, any objections? [/color]