[center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/240056918/original.jpg[/img] [color=steelblue][h2][u]Takeda Suzaku[/u][/h2] [h3]Quirk: Black Wings[/h3][/color][/center] Interactions with: [@Zelosse] [@Jojo] [hr] Suzaku waited patiently as Haruto-san looked him up and down, making him feel... ever-so-slightly self-conscious. Whether it was because he was mulling over how to respond, or (less likely, but still possible) was feeling shy, the boy was taking his time in talking back. He paused for a few seconds more, then... [color=0072bc]"H-hello."[/color] ... ...Ah. Based on that stammer, it was shyness. Which... didn't bode well. [color=steelblue][i]Breathe, Suzaku. Just breathe.[/i][/color] Then all bets were off, as the other boy moved forward, gently tugging on his sleeve, pulling him over somewhere. [color=0072bc]"Team up,"[/color] he muttered in Suzaku's general direction, as though worried about speaking too much. Suzaku felt a touch of color warm his face. [color=steelblue][i]Oh, gods. He's adorable. Why did I do this? ...Right, cool Quirk and synergy. Which... might make this even worse... dammit.[/i][/color] He looked in the direction he was being towed, and saw the same student that Haruto-san had paired with during the Quirk demonstrations. Which, thankfully, boded slightly better for his present situation. Having another individual to talk to would hopefully tone down the awkwardness he was feeling. ...Hopefully. The two of them came up to the beetle boy- what was his name? Now he felt bad for not remembering. Haruto-san spoke up. [color=0072bc]"Kenji-kun. Teamup like the demonstrations?"[/color] The beetle hero-in-training took note of them, lighting up like a Christmas tree at Kaito's offer. [color=steelblue][i]I... I'm sensing a theme here.[/i][/color] [quote=@Jojo] Kenji immediately nodded his head as quick as lightning at the offer, his antennae pointed to the sky. [color=00a99d]"Yes!"[/color] he exclaimed, before calming himself down. [color=00a99d]"I mean, of course. But I don't think I've been introduced to your friend yet. I'm Ito Kenji."[/color] he said, offering his free hand to Suzaku. [/quote] Suzaku grinned, sharing in Kenji's enthusiasm as he shook his hand. [color=steelblue]"Takeda Suzaku. An absolute pleasure."[/color] He opened his mouth to keep the conversation going, but the introductions would have to wait- Guodo-sensei was ramping up his speech about their mission. Suzaku turned his attention to the teacher, and nodded to himself as the explanation went on, tapping on his left arm as he thought. [color=steelblue][i]Family of three... is this a live exercise? Or are they dummies, like during the entrance exam? This could get interesting, either way.[/i][/color] Suzaku turned back to his new compatriots, and cleared his throat to get their attention. [color=steelblue]"So... any thoughts? Plans? Consternation, perhaps?[/color] ==~== [hider=tl;dr]Suzaku meets up with Kaito and Kenji and the three decide to team up. [s]mild doki ensues[/s][/hider]