[h2][color=ed145b]Ryan "Sharkman" Jacobs[/color][/h2] Ryan had already made himself at home, slouching in his seat. Quinn's estimation of him was spot-on: He was rocking an edgelord aesthetic. While she looked at him, he unzipped his jacket, revealing that underneath, he wore a black-and-red t-shirt with a similar shark jaw pattern. Ryan barely regarded Nox as she moved to take the file from him, handing it back to her and watching her speech. Still, the fact that there were other people boosted his confidence in this scheme just a little, and the intel she had was starting to convince him that she had a plan. When she threw the document onto the table, Ryan reached for it and started to go through the files. Ryan glanced up when Dean spoke, though he was more interested in Quinn's question. While Jackie was writing, he leaned over to Dean. [color=ed145b]"Can I pet your bird?"[/color] He whispered, staring at the raven. He had a fondness for animals, augmented by the fact that he couldn't keep pets. He glanced at Jackie's note, quickly reading it. Chainsaw or no, he got the impression she was a little awkward, and he had a fondness for shy people like that. [color=ed145b]"My name is Ryan. I go by Shark Twink I mean I go by Sharkman."[/color] He said. [color=ed145b]"I don't care about the hero society. I don't have a vendetta against Enterprise. I can't get a real job so I have to commit crimes for a living. I like to rip people too, Jackie."[/color] He lied, smiling at the chainsaw wielding girl behind his mask, slightly inclining his giant pair of scissors. He the inclined his head towards Nox. [color=ed145b]"It's your turn, boss. Name and fun fact, and then we can get down to business. Old Man is right, do we have a plan if we're going to take these guys head on? I think something subtle would be ideal."[/color] He had started to lay out the maps, scanning for points of interest such as possible entryways.