I have a Pokémon Region that I use for my fanfics. This interest check is to see if anyone wants to play in my region and try either the contest or the league they have. The region is a group of five island, four of the islands have a gym and a contest hall, both themed around one of the four elements (earth, air, water and fire), the last island is where the league will be held. There is a catch to the league. While you may use any Pokémon you want in the gyms, in the League you may only use a Pokémon with a ground, flying, water or fire type (dual types are allowed). As for the contests, every hall has a theme of an element and attacks should represent that, but in the big finale on the last island you should also use Pokémon of the correct type. The RP will allow people to have their own adventures; you may do the league, you may do contests, you may do both or you may do neither. I as GM will have NPC's to make quests, assist players and play the gym leaders, who double as contest judges. If people want a Pokémon Academy RP, that is possible too as one of the islands has an academy where beginning trainers can take classes, I have 2 professor NPC's who can teach. So, plenty of options :) anyone wants to play on my islands?