[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=97e23b]Bartholomew Rosecliff[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/GxId9ub.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Sitting Room [b]Skills:[/b]N/A[/center][hr] Bart blinked at Siduri's comment on Alexandra. That concerned him, and he piped up, "[color=97e23b]I'm sorry, what do you mean, "opted out"[/color]"? He asked. That didn't make sense to him. He knew things were difficult for her recently, but even if she could, he never thought she would leave. He knew there were probably more important things to worry about, the end times being apparently around the corner, and Faith needing to throw herself into the "in-between" to stop Eve from becoming a "Destruere", but she was his friend. He needed to know what had happened, or at least, know that Alexandra was safe. His gaze lingered on Siduri for a moment as he waited for a response. Faith needed him now to though. He aligned himself next to her, and met her gaze. He needed to be concerned with what was in front of him, that was the only way to manage this many problem. He knew that she probably wouldn't say it, but she needed him. He figured it couldn't hurt to ask, so he said, "[color=97e23b]Would she have to go alone? Could some of us maybe accompany her?[/color]" It'd probably be dangerous as all hell, but the idea of her handling something like this on her own didn't sit well with him. Even if she had to go alone, he was sure there'd be a lot to do in light of this new information. He just wanted to be able to help in any way he could, and protect what had been put in front of him.