Good point. Speaking of which, I did consider some possible limitations for those who might wish to play the "big ones". Let's say that there are two kinds of "Deities" in this world: Spirit Gods and Incarnates. Incarnate is a mortal who has ascended, gaining an Office to represent in the world. The Alicorn Princesses are Incarnates. Their powers are stable, and usually related to whatever is their Office is. An Incarnate can lose her Office, and the ascension, or gain additional ones. Incarnates typically manage themselves. Spirit Gods are beings who are usually rather weak, sometimes less than mortal, but gain strength by causing and/or absorbing their Essence. For example, Discord's Essence is Madness, which is why he causes chaos, while Tirek's Essence is the Self, which he gains by absorbing symbols of identity, such as talents. Basically, an Incarnate is strong, but must spend their existence taking care of their Office, and can risk losing it if other Incarnates so decide. Meanwhile Spirit Gods are typically rather weak, thus the need to be tactical. What do you think?