[b][i]Flame Brooks[/i][/b] Flame, after finishing his meal, went back to Gris Art Fortye's household, but not after carefully checking for eavesdroppers and stalkers - He knew Chiyo knew he was her enemy. After making sure the coin purse was empty while he had plenty of supplies strapped in a pack close to his back - After all, shopping carts had not been invented yet - he went inside Gris' property once more, carefully checking if the mood inside had changed. He would then deposit the supplies wherever he was directed to place them, then report to the Oni Nobleman from Kararagi, saying, "Supplies bought as ordered; sorry I took so long; I had to patronize an eatery ran by Demi-Ocelots." [b][i]Ashton Andrews[/i][/b] Ashton, meanwhile, went to the part of the district that sold metal ingots and bought a bit of high-quality steel; he was not stupid enough to assume that mithril or admantium would just exist in this fantasy world just because it was fantasy. Nevertheless, he bought enough high-quality steel with Bellrigger's money to make a decent weapon; he presumed the guy would provide the wood and leather for the hilt. And with that, he returned to the secret warehouse with his load after keeping watch for stalkers or eavesdroppers or anyone who could have followed him. Once he met up with Bellrigger once more, Ashton reported success.