Hey all so for now I've reached the maximum amount of people I am willing to roleplay with for this particular story. Thank you all for your interest and I will re-open it should a position open up! Hi all! This is my current craving, hoping someone will be able to fill it for me. Please send me a PM if you are interested in this! [h2][color=pink]Rules![/color][/h2] [list] [*]Please, I cannot stress this enough no ONE LINERS! I understand having writers block but responding with a single line in inexcusable I'm sorry but no exceptions here. If I do receive one liners the RP will be dropped immediately. [*]Please be at least 18 years of age. I'm into dark and romance themes and my Roleplay will have them meaning at the very least there will be violence, drug use, sexual content and some may have gore. [*]Now I mentioned sex, This RP IS NOT SMUT! Sorry, now I do not fade to black but that doesn't mean I won't if my partner prefers it. Also if we decide to not fade to black then do not expect to linger on the scene for an extended period of time. If the story does involve sex it will be tastefully and appropriately done so that we may get back to the main plot. [*]Speaking of plot, please do not allow me to be the only one running the show! You have an idea shoot it in OOC, a plot twist that you think would be good? Go for it! This is a story created by two individuals let the work reflect that. [*]Please do not ghost on me, now I understand life gets in the way but please give me notice if you will be gone for an extended period of time if you are able as I will TRY to do the same. [*] With that being said I'm planning on moving across the country in the coming months and will be forced to continue this RP via phone. If that does not sit well with you I am sorry. [/list] [hider=Backstory]In the magical lands of Okath, Grand Emperor Aalort ruled over the five great united kingdoms. The Yara kingdom located in the dense Balcroft Grove. The Kridal Kingdom located just beyond the vast abyss. The Ebilan Dynasty a land that rested between mineral rich mountains and sat atop a grand hill. The Lidora dynasty, established by Queen Elysant's very ancestors, it became known as the healing capital of Okath. Last but not least The kingdom of Sestoca, a land of great wealth and trade. Aalort oversaw all of these kingdoms and with the council made of all the Kings/Queens beneath him had final say in any and all disputes between them. He was revered as a skilled warrior and kind ruler. That was until a calamity was unleashed upon the world. A dimension opened in the mortal realm letting loose Orcs, Elves and abominations of all kinds upon man. But none more fearsome than the great Dragon dubbed Mivo, the dark one. An enormous beast with scales as black as night and eyes burning red like hot embers. Mivo waged war on man, his fire burned nations to ash. While abominations destroyed homes and pillaged villages. [img]https://preview.redd.it/m7dou47fhe911.jpg?width=600&auto=webp&s=ccaff3504a4378b4282ccac8c9ed13746e232525[/img] Having enough of this great chaos Emperor Aalort gather the greatest heroes from all five kingdoms and led them in a war that lasted nearly half a decade. King Ballon manipulated the elements with terrifying spells. King Segarus and his band of assassin struck their enemies from the shadows. Queen Elysant bolstered her allies with strong exlixers made by the greatest alchemists. Lastly, King Acelin darkened the skies with his army of skillful archers. Under his guidance Aalort led these heroes and the united armies to victory and slayed Mivo at the price of their very lives. With the death of the five great lords in fighting began between all creatures of Okath as they all wanted to claim the great throne. The World: Yes there are lots of magical creatures roaming this new world, to the point humans are the minorities. With that being said, Dragons haven't been seen since the age of Mivo which makes the egg and my character so important in the story.[/hider] [hider=Plot] Gengre: High Fantasy, Romance, Action/Adventure Setting: Medieval Era It has been centuries since The Great Calamity, you are the newly crowned King/Queen in this war torn new world. As you accepted your new role of ruler a neighboring kingdom comes to celebrate and presents you with a gift in order to seal a new alliance. They present you with an egg, but a normal egg it was not. It was the size of an horse carriage, it's shell was made of pure obsidian and it game off a warm fiery aura. The lords of this kingdom explain that the Legends say this egg was all that was the only remnant of Mivo himself. But your expectations were quickly tempered as they explained that this has been a jewel in their kingdom for hundreds of years and unfortunately have seen no sign of it hatching. Disappointed, you accept this egg but quickly push it to the back off your mind, besides you now have a kingdom to run and war to manage. One faithful night however you narrowly escape an assassination attempt, your men are being slaughtered and you flee to the throne room and barred yourself inside. As the attacker close in on you setting fire to the palace the unimaginable happens. The egg hatches and the beast inside emerges. Together with your new ally you rebuild your kingdom, gather a new army, discover new allies and set your eyes back on the eternal throne! How will you rule? How long will this new ally remain on your side!? Who can you trust? Your character: Now for this it's open ended. You are free to be one of the new species that has made their home on Okath or you can even be a direct descendant of one of the Five Great Heroes, even Aalort himself if you choose. [/hider] [Hider=Sub-Plot] While the "Hero" tries to uncover the reason behind the assassination attempt Vesta tries to forge her identity in the world while facing prejudice at every turn.[/hider] [hider=My Character] Name: Vesta, Lord of Cinders (You named her it means Goddess of sacred fire and of hearth) Age: 210 (Equivalent to a 21 yr old Woman) Personality: Dangerous and hard to get a read on. Seldom shows a vulnerable side to herself, preferring to keep people at bay by baring her fangs or blowing fire. However, once her trust as been gained she will be loyal to those around her to her dying breath. She has a lust for blood and an affinity for violence and demands that in order for people to be allowed in her presence they show feats of strength and domination. She is half dragon after all...what did you expect? Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/3b/46/683b46dd1c55e5f57d0773a98c55fc74.jpg[/img] Dragon Form: [img]https://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/886851/851/46/crimson_fatalisdqsmi_display.jpg[/img] Height: She is nowhere near as big as her father was. While on all fours the distance from her head to the ground is about the height of an average man. In this form she moves like a serpent while on all fours and is able to walk on her hind legs. She is able to carry up to four people on her back. Abilities: While in her human form she is able to manipulate her scales density, they can be as smooth as silk or as tough as steel. She can breathe fire hot enough to torch villages and bone. Even hotter in her dragon form. SHE CANNOT SWAP BETWEEN FORMS WITH NO DRAWBACKS! It takes an immense toll on her stamina and she prefers to do it only if need be. Her tail and wings are always out she cannot put them away.[/hider]