Yumi just smiled as she took out a few sugar cubes from her pocket. Always handy whenever the horses start acting up. [b]"It's no problem. You have a fine steed here if she's about to sniff out my sweets."[/b] Looking back at Derra, Yumi sized her up. Her pox scars would make her very undesirable to most people, but her skills as a healer would make her also valuable. Being a dwarf meant that she had a strong constitution and important family ties, though Yumi wasn't sure if those ties were strong. Not to mention what the girl wanted was inherently selfless. How boring. [b]"Oh come now my dear, surely there's more to your life than that."[/b] Yumi started feeding Derra's horse with some sugar cubes as she petted it's snout. [b]"Nothing wrong with being a bit selfish. Wanting to do more for yourself is what drives everyone to improve. Why settle for less when you can get more?"[/b] Once Yumi finished feeding the horse she turned back to the dwarf with a big smile. Her big, business smile. [b]"I have a deal for you. We're both looking to work with that woman from the guild so why not go together? Allow me to work my magic and negotiate a good deal for the both of us. After all, someone as skilled as you shouldn't work for charity alone. Medicine needs to be brought and no amount of good deeds will make plants grow faster than coin can. Who knows, after this hunt I may even ask for you to stay with my caravan. We plan to go to many cities where we'll offer our services to anyone in need. Surely that'll be better than just wandering around hoping for trouble to find you, yes?"[/b] [@Arreyis]