[@SSW] [@KoL] [@Subjectvision] [hr][h1][u][b] Latin District - Alley-Hidden War[/b][/u][/h1][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q7oRdw7.png[/img] [i][sub]The eyes, they saw.[/sub][/i] There was someone else here. [i][sub]She was seen.[/sub][/i] [color=f26522]“Are you the master of Archer?” [/color]he asked a question that needed not answer. He saw the magical energy, and he saw the way the young woman carried herself. Any non-related bystanders would have surely been chased away by now, and a unrelated master would have no reason to be here. A fighter, a warrior, a living weapon. She was the same too. [color=f26522]“I am Noon Triswich, master of Ywain. For the sake of my lord I descend upon Paris to claim it.” [/color]The spear in his hand rose as he took a stance. The command he heard still resonated within him, honing his mind, influencing his body. Control exerted, his true self came forth as his thoughts turned towards the man his spear was named after. A flash of color as his circuits rotated went through his body, faint lines coursing with magical energy and glowing for a moment the sorrowful red of a setting sun. In the night where things were unclear and dark he would stand sure of himself in spirit and body. His was a mind and body without doubt and hesitation, and standing firm and tall he waited for her answer and battle. Judging from what he could see of her… this was not a battle in which he’d be able to cast many spells. This then was not a fight as a magus but as a warrior. Standing there as a knight he would not accept defeat. The servants were engulfed in their own battle. But let them know that they would not be the only ones to shine tonight. [hr][h3][b]Set: 1/??? 3 X 4 Yazhua versus Noon:// [u][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHlyXzUrp2s]Wish Bright: Clash Commence[/url][/u][/b][/h3][hr]