[@Kuro] Need questions 1.) Since I wanted a mage, I took one skill slot for general magic and one skill slot for his specialization. Is that alright or can I only take single schools? Like since I took general magic am I allowed to use the basics of all schools of magic and one specialization meaning I can be amazing in that one school or is it like magic's rare/grounded enough that I'd need to pick a specific school and just have the basic ability to perform that one school? 2.) I wrote in a magical college into his backstory, do those exist or are wizards in small scattered groups? 3.) How does magic work? Mana or slots? You said it causes exhaustion so I assume it's Mana based and people can just use mana energy to affect the surroundings/themselves. Like Shadowrun 4.) Can I get a measuring stick on what's possible to be done by mages/magic both in a general sense and when they specialize? Like generally what's possible with magic and how much stronger an evoker can use offensive/evocation magic than a generalist/non-evocation specialized mage 5.) Depending on how powerful mages are and the fact everybody can use magic, can knights/fighters can superhuman physical abilities by subconsciously manipulating their mana so they can keep up/keep improving when faced with a literal army of darkness? 6.) I realize I might have misunderstood magic descriptions. With there being Arcane, Rune, Holy and Nature magic, do schools of magic even exist?