Silas eyed Ducaelia though seemingly unfazed by her open minded and direct statement. He would concur with her assessment that tackling the enemy's fortified position head on, with or without support from the resistance wouldn't be in their best interests in the long run and many things had to go right for them to make it through. Dealing with tanks, power armor, and entrenched infantry would be surely pushing their luck to very dangerous extents. Even he knew this was not a favorable gamble. What Ducaelia proposed would be for her and Cyne to infiltrate the Lasminee's defense line and disrupt their ability to communicate and perhaps cause deathly chaos behind enemy lines. Silas certainly was giving that idea some thought. Gerad then gave his own opinions regarding their predicament. His first suggestion was colorful at best but something that was pushing their operational capacity. What the Garundin was suggesting was essentially bombing the towers' fortifications with small asteroids. Certainly possible but they neither the time nor could they do it safely either. There was a reason they landed the [i]Legion's End[/i] outside the city and further more why they weren't using the [i]Crimson Fang[/i] as usable fire-support; Deval's PMC forces. From what he learned from the resistance, well in advance before they even came to Precolis, was that the Horsemen had established several anti-air emplacements, including multiple hyper-velocity SAMs, within the City of Duran. Bringing in either craft near the city would guarantee AA attacks but also risking Deval's forces to mobilize. They simply could not afford a professional army hunting for them, that was for sure. The Garundin's second suggestion was more applicable with what they could do and was within the realm of possibility for sure and lined up with Ducaelia's idea as well. Silad crossed his arms and lowered his head, eyes closed. A brief moment later, he had it. [color=00a651][b]"Sorry Gerad, but orbitally bombarding the enemy with space rocks is out of the question. The plan will take too long and will get us into more trouble than you think. The last thing we want is drawing Deval's attention to our little war with Lasminee. I've no doubt that if we give them the time, we'll have PMC forces rushing down our throats. No, we deal with this now,"[/b][/color] said Silas as he looked over to one of the Resistance company commanders and motioned him over, [color=00a651][b]"So here is what we'll do instead..."[/b][/color] Silas explained his plan to everyone. As it turned out, he liked Ducaelia's concept and opted for her and Cyne to reconnoiter ahead until the penetrate the fortifications surrounding the executive towers. During this time Silas, Sven, and Gerad, along with the resistance would make their move. The plan would be to intentionally provoke the defenders to counterattack by breaking the encirclement the resistance had established. The action would be a process for sure. The idea was for the resistance fighters to discreetly amass at a certain sector of their encirclement and perform a feint attack to draw the defender's attention to them. Once enough guns were trained on them, the rebels would then disengage and disperse while allied fire shifted elsewhere. It was a gamble but if the defenders genuinely believed that the advantage had become theirs, they would give chase and likely leaving a smaller force to defend the towers. That was when phase two of the plan would come into action. Assuming that Cyne and Ducaelia were in position and having already disrupted communications and any surveillance that could tip Lasminee's guards off, that would be when Silas' group would commit to a coordinated attack with his infiltrators. While attacking the front, Cyne and Ducaelia would dispense with emplacements; silencing any fortified guns before going after the specialized troops. With no way to communicate with their allies, the defenders would be unable to recognize the threat behind them until it was too late. Silas was counting on establishing a crossfire that would eventually eliminate the towers' defenses entirely. If they were quick enough, they could even very well occupy the fortifications to destroy the counterattack force once they discovered that they had been tricked. With no other suggestions mentioned and everyone settled with the plan, Silas had ordered to make it so. --- With intel on the business district logistics layout provided by the resistance commander, Cyne and Ducaelia made their way to the sewer system that would lead them to the underground facility beneath the executive towers. The commander has informed them of his comrades having ventured down through the same tunnels but never coming back. It was likely that the underground network was monitored but by what exactly, they didn't know for sure. Regardless of the danger, it was up to both Ducaelia and Cyne reach their destination. After trekking through the dark and dank network, it would become apparent to the both of them that the specters responsible for the rebel scouts' disappearances were more of Madlock's red-eyed assassins. Although they were not as numerable as before and were easy pickings for Cyne and Ducaelia. The venture took approximately roughly a half and hour until they reached the tower's waste disposal site. The platform they arrived to was about two stories in height and about just as wide as the positioning the towers. Massive chemical and waste collection tanks separated throughout the complex though always integrated with the support beams and framework beneath each tower. As Cyne deployed Pathfinder to scout ahead, they found that the complex was surprisingly ill-guarded with perhaps fifteen or so thugs scouring the place. It was evident that they were entirely relying on Madlock's Ravens to rid them of any problems that would come their way. After verifying that there was no way sneaking past them, Cyne turned to Ducaelia as they perched over one of the catwalks, like predators stalking and observing their prey. [color=00746b]"Looks like with have ourselves and odd number,"[/color] Cyne openly stated with a deathly grin as he unsheathed his HF blade, [color=00746b]"how about we make this a small competition? What do you say?"[/color]