[@Blueflame]I am imagining a blue Calcifer. xD [img]https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F68.media.tumblr.com%2Fe75926d21c3f1120db53fd61f3c971fa%2Ftumblr_ob72mria981vyfy95o1_500.gif&f=1[/img] I love him. Accepted! Were you wanting me to paint a portrait for him? Also, is he actually located in the palace of a king? The king of Heil and Gillsommr? ([i]I'm dismissing his "skills" as natural abilities, btw; therefore, does he have any learned skills?[/i]) ----------------------- [@Coltshan]Thank you for wanting to join! AXIS is right, but that's okay, you didn't know. Overall, Auctamos looks pretty good, fleshed out (I like his first two quirks, especially); I just have a few questions, if that's alright? I'll order them for convenience's sake. 1) This is about the history: Did Auctamos attack his lord? Is that why the lord "ran him through" then sold his niece and nephew into slavery? And I'm assuming he was left for dead? Asking because Auctamos likely would have been tried as a criminal sooner than being killed if he simply renounced his loyalty (unless his lord was off his rocker). But if Auctamos attacked first and was left for dead, and his "death" left the children without guardian, the conclusion as written could be more likely. 2) History again: Is Auctamos still in Gillsommr? 3) One more about history: How did Auctamos become a mercenary and acquire his animals? 4) Is Auctamos primarily a swordfighter or magic-user? 5) Spells: I like Umerkydin; it fits miribilia magic perfectly ([i]though by dialect do you mean language?[/i]). "Yovingaern," on the other hand, sounds like atermagia magic the way it siphons youth. Are you okay with me categorizing it as such? That would mean he cannot use it as efficiently. If you'd rather both spells be miribilia then you can modify it, of course. You can think of miribilia as "miracles;" things that we wish would happen but would be shocking if they did. 6) Finally, his equipment: is any of it enchanted? Once we get these sorted out then he should be good to go. ----------------------- [@The Bork Lazer]Hahaha, that character is great! It's like Ratatouille and Gordan Ramsey had a baby. Great history, too. Accepted!