Looking between each member of the room that spoke (and giving a roll of her eyes at the warning about being cheeky), Arlathil made a quick mental check on each person's name mentioned, though Isa got a slightly raised eyebrow. She was going by her Rune, and seemed to call each of the others by it too? Odd. In any case, she gave a quick smile to her partner in teasing, Valeria apparently. Next up Isa went through a list of everyone currently present, so it made it much easier for her to learn them as well, even if it might take some time for her to remember each one by heart. She'd have to learn their actual names either later, or when they introduced themselves. Speaking of introductions... "[color=39b54a]Well if we're doing introductions, might as well get mine out of the way. Arlathil Avuna, local fighter and now, apparently, Berkano Rune.[/color]" She said as she wandered over to the other women in the room, picking up a tea for herself with a quick nod of thanks to the medic. She took a quick sip, preferring to leave it without milk or sugar herself. She probably could have said more about herself, but she figured it would be best to give everyone a chance to speak.