Just a few notes. It's quite interesting to see someone create a character connected to the Followers of Palawa during a time period they're not really touched upon, a fun idea to explore. That said, I have a few main pieces of feedback for the sheet; 1. It seems really unlikely that the Followers wouldn't have been aware of his force potential and trained him in such, they are, after all, an order dedicated to the study of the Force, simply in a different way to the Jedi. While in the Prequel Era and beyond they seem more anti-force, this is years before then, so I don't believe they would have transitioned to that yet. 2. He seems, really powerful. To, by 18, be a five times world champion on a planet dedicated to martial arts seems something of an impossible feat. Combined with his extensive, if untrained, force powers. I'd probably tone down his level of success somewhat. 3. The way in which he joins the Sith seems super convenient and 'by chance' and makes it seem cheap. I think it's worth pointing out that the Sith Empire actively pursues/captures force users to take them back to Korriban to join the academy. It seems far more likely he'd be picked up by Sith in that manner, while he was on Tatooine, rather than singled out by chance on the planet itself. Anyway, just my thoughts, if those can be addressed I'd be more than happy to accept it.